Administrative, here are the candidates of the “Bella Carpi” civic list – SulPanaro

Administrative, here are the candidates of the “Bella Carpi” civic list – SulPanaro
Administrative, here are the candidates of the “Bella Carpi” civic list – SulPanaro

CARPI – The civic list “Bella Carpi”which will support the centre-left mayoral candidate Riccardo Righi in the next local elections, presented itself today, Tuesday 21 May:

““Making our city more beautiful” is the aim for which we, the candidates of the BELLA CARPI Civic List, have put ourselves at stake in this administrative election round. With this sole aim we propose ourselves to our fellow citizen voters, in the awareness of sharing with many the feeling that Carpi needs to look for new opportunities to improve itself and to make life better for those who live there and recognize themselves in it by “Making the falcon that characterizes the symbol of our Municipality (and ours) fly higher civic list) is therefore the objective we have set ourselves by trying to contribute, with our experience and our knowledge (we are not very young, although mostly “new” to administrative experiences), to making Carpi more beautiful, more alive, more central in the provincial and regional panorama, starting from concrete things.

We have found in the mayoral candidate Riccardo Righi a sensitive interlocutor who is open to our requests which are those of the citizens who care about their city. We found convergence in the program that the mayoral candidate has developed, also taking into account what we suggested, a program that stays away from pre-established ideologies and that focuses on the concreteness of the things to do, to complete or to start. We believe that the people of Carpi can identify with our proposed civic initiative which promises only to be attentive to the daily needs of each and every one, aiming to make public services more efficient (streamlining bureaucracy at all levels), to maintain more orderly and clean the city, to build it even more supportive of those in difficulty, richer in opportunities for those who work there, more lively, attractive and welcoming for those who want to visit and live it, more “central” finally, in the provincial and regional panorama “.


1 –STERMIERI Fabrizio n. Carpi 6/12/1954 – Freelance journalist, graduated in Law, worked in a bank until retirement

2 – BERTONCELLI Lucio n. Bologna 24/10/1946 – Clinical dietician, he was a basketball player and coach, sports editor of the online newspaper Radio 5.9

3 –MICHELINI Marinella n. Mirandola 19/4/1963 – daughter of a decorated member of the Resistance, tourism-hotel training, thirty years of experience as manager of international chain hotels

4 – FRACASSINI Rina n. Soliera 11/16/1951 – metalworker, passionate about mountain excursions and two-wheel trips

5 –GASPARINI Alfredo n. Carpi 7/5/1958 – retired and grandfather in effective permanent service

6 – GILIOLI Magda n. Modena 26/6/1956 – Freelance journalist, high school diploma, long experience in the world of fashion and social life with international experience

7 – MONTANARI Ambra n. Reggio Emilia 10/9/1954 – studied at the Art Institute, then working as a stylist in the fashion sector and subsequently teaching yoga. He does social volunteering.

8 –MARASCA Guido n. Carpi 4/12/1956 – former trade unionist Fabi, model railway engineer, graduated, worked in a bank until retirement

9 – SETTI Gian Franco n. Carpi 10/1/1955 – retired, former credit institute official

10 – CAVALETTI Gianni n. Reggio Emilia 12/16/1954 – retired, former bank manager

11 –BERTANI Volfango n. Carpi 25/8/1962 – freelancer in the graphics and new technologies sector

12 –ROMEI Daniele n. Florence 15/8/1959 – graduated, expert craftsman in the graphic/typographical/digital sector until his recent retirement

13 – GIAITOLI Gianfranco n. Carpi 21/2/1944 – Long-time sailor, Lieutenant of the Navy (reserve), scholar passionate about local history. Knight of Merit of the Republic

14 –COSTA Valeria Vera n. Moron (Argentina) 5/1/1967 – Graduated in Foreign Languages ​​with a master’s degree in Language Teaching, she taught English in Buenos Aires and has been teaching Spanish at Unimore for 22 years

15 –MAGGIOLO Roberta n. Modena 23/9/1963 – Graduated, social health operator expert in the field of disabilities, you have held managerial positions in social cooperatives.

16 – LUPPI Lorena n. Carpi 29/7/1951 – graduated in Pedagogy, elementary and middle school teacher, she enjoys theatre, cinema and music


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