arrested in the center of Como

In the early evening of yesterday, May 20, 2024, the state police arrested a 25-year-old Somali man, already known to the police due to his numerous aliases and police records. The charge, this time, is of violence and resistance to a public official, as well as injury to an officer.

The officers on patrol in the center of Como during a passage near the former Leader Price area of ​​via Regina Teodolinda, noticed a 25-year-old Somali who annoyed passers-by. When checked and asked for documents, the man reacted violently, slapping an officer and attempting to escape on foot. After a difficult chase, the police managed to block him and get him into the service car. During the transport, the man continued his violent attitude towards him. A policeman suffered minor grazes to an officer’s wrist. Once at the police station, the 25-year-old was identified. There was a measure requiring him to sign to the judicial police which had been imposed on him a few months ago.

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