Latina, violent quarrel between homeless people in the center

Latina, 21 May 2024 – Una violent quarrel is what took place yesterday evening in Piazza del Popolo in Latina: the Latina State Police intervened when some passers-by reported a fight between several people. The flying squad policemen, who promptly arrived on site, found a man lying on the ground, visibly wounded in the face. A little further on there was another subject who, at the sight of the operators, first began to utter words in Arabic and subsequently attempted to flee but was immediately chased by the police who stopped him.

From the information gathered at the scene of the events it emerged that the two, both of foreign nationality and homeless, they would have had an argument, which occurred in the presence of a third person or the partner of one of the attacked man. The attacked subject, also a foreigner of Romanian origins, reported to the operators that in the evening he had had an argument with some subjects of Tunisian nationality and that subsequently one of the members of the group had attacked with kicks and punches, forcing him to flee in the direction of a bar in the immediate vicinity where he would then be further hit with a chair and injured in the face, circumstances confirmed in the first instance also by his partner.

The attack on the policemen

Led into a car by the police, the alleged attacker began to wriggle, in a visible state of agitation, kicking and headbutting the plexiglass separator of the service car and continuing to hold a violent and threatening conduct towards the policeman who was trying to bring him back to calm. At that point the policeman had to use capsicum spray supplied, thanks to which the man stopped his conduct. Both men were rescued by the medics who arrived on site and the attacker was transported to the Santa Maria Goretti hospital where he was fully identified by the police squad and, pending further investigations into the events that occurred, he was reported for PU resistance

For the record, and for the protection of those under investigation, we would like to remind you that an accusation is not equivalent to a conviction, that the evidence is gathered in court and that the Italian judicial system still provides for three levels of judgement. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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