Verona’s blitz in Salerno, the yellow and blue are safe – Photo

Verona’s blitz in Salerno, the yellow and blue are safe – Photo
Verona’s blitz in Salerno, the yellow and blue are safe – Photo

(ANSA) – SALERNO, 20 MAY – Verona beats Arechi of Salerno 2-1 and, with a round to spare, celebrates their mathematical stay in Serie A. An authentic feat achieved by Baroni’s men who, despite the market revolution carried out in January, they managed to save the top flight. Only bitterness, however, for Salernitana who, already relegated, collected another defeat, their 13th at home. Before the kick-off, the Arechi offers special effects with the Curva Sud which creates a spectacular scenography on the theme of belonging and identity. It is the only emotion for the 15 thousand garnet hearts present in via Allende who, over the course of ninety minutes, witness a yellow-blue monologue. Baroni’s team approaches the match in a vehement manner and immediately gives the impression of having the match in hand. Noslin, deployed as first striker with Suslov, Folorunsho and Lazovic in the attacking midfield, constantly takes the time from the Salernitana defense which is noticeably gasping, without ever managing to anticipate the players in the yellow and blue shirts. From a free kick, Suslov warms Fiorillo’s hands who, however, in the 22nd minute can do nothing about the Slovakian’s shot who, taking advantage of an error coming out of the Granata, puts the ball in the right corner. The goal is a liberation for Baroni’s team and for its 200 fans who arrived at Arechi. Salernitana, on the contrary, is a poor team and in the first 45′ they never manage to kick towards Montipò’s goal. Verona controls but when they accelerate they always give the impression of being able to hurt the Campania team. In the 47th minute, Folorunsho does the general rehearsal for the second goal which arrives thirty seconds later: the Granata again lose a bloody ball on the way out, Noslin sees the insertion of Lazovic who passes from the right for Folorunsho who, all alone, deposits it behind Fiorillo . In the second half the music does not change. Verona slows down the pace but when they arrive in the Granata penalty area they come close to scoring a hat trick on several occasions. Noslin (4′) first shoots from a good position and then forces Fiorillo to intervene with his foot. The best opportunity, however, was once again created by Folorunsho who hit a sensational post from the edge with the goalkeeper beaten. Arechi, despite the defeat, continued to sing, dedicating a standing ovation after half an hour to the young Gerardo Fusco, Primavera striker and son of former Granata defender Luca, thrown into the fray by Colantuono. In added time Maggiore manages to close the gap following a corner kick. But at the final whistle the party is all yellow and blue. (HANDLE).

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