Varese, kicked for a navel piercing: “I had to remove it”

VARESE – «He followed me, he always knew where to find me. She monitored my Whatsapp logins, criticized me for my clothing and haircuts, and when I bought the new car she said I had done no good to get it.”

Words pronounced by a 37-year-old before the judges of the Court of Varese in the opening stages of a trial for mistreatment and injuries in which the woman is the offended party. In the courtroom, a few meters from her, her ex-boyfriend, a 42 year old man from Luino accused of several acts of physical and verbal violence against the womanmother of his son, who still today – the events occurred in a town in Valmarchirolo between 2016 and 2022 – lives in a protected structure.

Long interrogation

The 37-year-old answered the parties’ questions in a long interrogation that brought to mind episodes of suffering: from the humiliations that would have taken place during the arguments (“you’re fat as a barrel”, “you’re worth nothing as a mother”, “look at how you’re dressed, aren’t you ashamed of your age?”, to the kicks that the ex he allegedly told her on Christmas evening 2016, after discovering that his partner had pierced her navel, without telling him anything: «He hit me and pushed me from the bar to the house, and forced me to remove my piercing. The next day she told me to look in her jacket. There was a rope. I don’t know what she wanted to do with us, I was scared.”

The betrayals

From the defense’s questions (the accused is assisted by the lawyer Corrado Viazzo, the injured party, and civil party, is assisted by the lawyer Chiara Di Giovanni), a further aspect emerged that would have affected the troubled relationship, namely infidelity of the 37 year old: «I cheated on him three times – said the woman speaking of her ex-partner – and that’s also why I took them».

In the hospital

The last act before the complaint dates back to March 2022. The police arrived at the couple’s home, called by a neighbor who had heard screaming. «We were arguing over some syrup to give to our son – the woman recalled – He slammed me against the wall and pushed me to the ground. In the end she apologized to me.” The woman was taken to hospital and came out with a ten-day prognosis. She then went to the police, because she had endured enough.

varese piercing kicks – MALPENSA24
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