«We have identified Fleximan». Who is the man who sawed veloxes in Veneto – Nordest24

«We have identified Fleximan». Who is the man who sawed veloxes in Veneto – Nordest24
«We have identified Fleximan». Who is the man who sawed veloxes in Veneto – Nordest24

A 42-year-old man, resident in Polesine and with a criminal record, was identified as the possible perpetrator of numerous acts of vandalism against speed cameras in Veneto. In the videos he is filmed during the latest raids and provided important elements for the investigations. This individual according to the police could be responsible for numerous attacks not only in the province of Rovigo, but also in the Padua area and other areas of the Veneto. However, investigators need further evidence to confirm his guilt.

The investigations and evidence collected

Investigative sources in the province of Rovigo indicate that the suspect is under investigation for damage that occurred in Bosaro, Taglio di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella and Corbola. The blitz in Rosolina was filmed by surveillance cameras, providing the Carabinieri of the Adria company and the mobile radio operations unit key clues for its identification. It cannot be ruled out that the man also acted outside the Polesine borders, as demonstrated by the damage that occurred in Carceri and Villa del Conte at the end of January.

The search and seizure of useful items

The suspect’s home was searched by authorities, who seized material deemed useful for the investigations. At the moment, the police are maintaining the utmost confidentiality about the elements collected, but it is believed that these may be decisive for the continuation of the investigation.

The episodes contested by the Prosecutor’s Office

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rovigo charged the suspect with five incidents of damage. Among these, the cutting of the velox in Bosaro on 19 May and 19 July 2023; in Corbola and Taglio di Po on Christmas Eve 2023; and finally in Rosolina on 3 January 2024. This latest act of vandalism, which occurred at 9.30 pm on Romea, was filmed by cameras, providing important visual evidence.

The suspect’s modus operandi

Fleximan’s modus operandi is always the same: it uses a flexible to cut the pole that supports the fixed speed camera. This method was also observed between 20 and 23 January in Carceri, along Sr 10, and subsequently in Villa del Conte in via Piovego. Similar episodes were also recorded in Riese Pio X (Treviso) and on the Giau Pass (Belluno).

Further developments of the investigations

The investigations continue, with the authorities committed to collecting all the evidence necessary to bring the person responsible to justice. If the allegations were confirmed, Fleximan, the 42-year-old suspect from Padua, would have caused considerable damage and concern throughout the region with his actions. Investigators are working to connect all the incidents of damage and build a solid case.

Vandalism of speed cameras not only causes significant economic damage, but also compromises road safety. “Speed ​​cameras are fundamental tools for monitoring speed and preventing road accidents – report the police -. Fleximan’s actions have put the safety of citizens at risk, making the identification and safety of the damaged equipment urgent.”

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