Dental health accessible to all. Now also in Busto Arsizio –

Dental health accessible to all. Now also in Busto Arsizio –
Dental health accessible to all. Now also in Busto Arsizio –

Piazza Manzoni 17, Busto Arsizio: this is the address of the Confident Dental Practice, eight offices already active in Lombardy, about to open to the public a stone’s throw from the city center. Confident has 150 employees, including medical, paramedical and administrative staff. There will be 15 people serving patients in the new headquarters, whose opening is scheduled for the end of May.


Confident was born in 2020 on the basis of consolidated experiences in the sector and with the aim of differ in completeness in the offering of services, promptness, reliability and safety of performance, continuity. «With treatments accessible to all – states the CEO, Paolo Miglietta – to combine quality and the possibility of using our services”.

There are five key values ​​of Confident. Professionalismguaranteed by a scrupulous selection of doctors and paramedics, as well as by the scientific control committee. Trustbuilt step by step by staff who work with a view to establishing a therapeutic alliance with the patient. Continuitydeveloped through the relationship with professionals and the emphasis placed on prevention before treatment. Safetybased on the rigor of protocols and certifications. Innovation, made possible by the use of technologically advanced instruments. «The use of 3D CT scans, so as to avoid the possible sending of a patient to a radiological centre, or of intra-oral scanners, which facilitate impressions, are examples of an update of the tools which translates into attention for people » details Paolo Miglietta.


Hygiene and prophylaxis, conservative treatments, root canals, orthodontics, prosthetics, pedodontics, oral surgery, implantology make up the vast range of services, provided at times that also facilitate patients who struggle to combine work time and attention to their health.

Confident studies are open from Monday to Saturday, from 9.00 to 20.00, with immediate emergency service. Attention to timing is a fundamental aspect of the Confident offer. Immediate loading implant techniques, for example, allow the extraction of teeth and insertion of implants within 24 hours in a single session. Furthermore, implant rehabilitation and surgical interventions are carried out under conscious sedation: this allows you to overcome the fear of the dentist. With the presence of an anesthesiologist who works alongside the surgeon, drugs are administered for outpatient use which prevent the patient from feeling pain during the session, preventing the mouth from swelling and preventing any discomfort during the post-operative period.

«From the reliability, effectiveness and speed of interventions to the importance of prevention, Confident has the good of patients as its priority – summarizes, in conclusion, Paolo Miglietta – People who enter a dentist’s office are often afraid. Fear for one’s health, fear of feeling pain or of not being able to face the commitment. Confident aims to welcome by allowing everyone access to treatment. And thus defeating these fears.”

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