RinnoviAmo Forlì: Forlì’s 67th place in the ICity Rank 2023 report is not very edifying, the city cannot fall behind in digital

RinnoviAmo Forlì: Forlì’s 67th place in the ICity Rank 2023 report is not very edifying, the city cannot fall behind in digital
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“In an evolving world, where technology plays a central role, Forlì cannot be left behind. Forecasts speak of a possible 18% increase in productivity in Italy thanks to the adoption of digital technologies, an opportunity not to be missed to combat the decline in births and the consequent decrease in workers, as well as the emigration of our young people who are looking for better opportunities elsewhere.” This is the context highlighted by the candidates of RinnoviAmo Forlì who make up the Innovation Group, Alessandro Bravi: ICT Manager with twenty years of experience in the implementation of effective strategies in different corporate and university scenarios; Francesco Marino: electronic engineer with decades of consultancy and project management experience in research and development departments in various multinationals; Anna Lisa Balestra: graduate in economics and business manager specialized in digitalisation and sustainability, Francesca Resta: Electronic Engineer with over twenty years of experience as an IT consultant for important IT companies in the Romagna area.

“Unfortunately, Forlì does not shine in this scenario. The unedifying 67th place in the ICity Rank 2023 report highlights the need for an urgent change of pace.” A problem to be solved, according to Anna Lisa Balestra: “Rapidly developing citizens’ digital skills is key to the future of our city. The world of work is changing rapidly and digital skills will become increasingly essential. For this reason, it is essential that everyone, from children to the elderly, is able to use technologies safely and consciously.”

RinnoviAmo Forlì proposes a concrete action plan that embraces various areas, including digital literacy and the inclusiveness of technological progress, themes dear to Francesco Marino who has dealt with them on several occasions in his voluntary activity in the field of scientific dissemination “It is essential to involve citizens starting from schools, where children and young people can be taught to use technologies in a creative and responsible way, avoiding overexposure. Give particular attention to girls and women, who are often less accustomed to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)”. It is necessary to help SMEs to adopt digital technologies to increase their productivity and competitiveness and better fit into their reference markets.

Digitalisation also becomes fundamental in the management of climate change, an area of ​​particular relevance also for the agricultural sector, through data monitoring. To this end it is necessary to increase connections with the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, which was moved in recent years from the United Kingdom to Bologna. The digitalisation of this area can be particularly advantageous for entrepreneurs in this sector and in the optimization of production processes.

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