Ukraine, Crosetto says no to Italy’s intervention in the war

Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in an interview with Corriere della Sera excludes direct military action by our nation in support of Ukraine. “Italy will continue to provide aid, as we have done so far, as long as it is useful and as long as we are able to do so”

Yes to support, no to direct intervention

“Our position does not change: we have always said that Ukraine needed to be helped in every possible way, and we are doing so, but we have also always excluded direct intervention by our military in the conflict”. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said this in an interview with ‘Corriere della Sera’. ”Unlike others, we have in our system an explicit prohibition on direct military interventions, outside of what is provided for by the laws and the Constitution. We can only foresee armed interventions upon international mandate, for example in implementation of a UN resolution. The one hypothesized in Ukraine would not only not be included in this case, but would trigger a further spiraling of the conflict which would not be of benefit above all to the Ukrainians themselves. In short, the conditions for our direct involvement do not exist”.

Crosetto responds to Macron

Crosetto responds to Macron’s proposal to send Western troops to Ukraine, ruling out direct intervention by our military. “I don’t judge a president of a friendly country like France, but I don’t understand the purpose and usefulness of these declarations, which objectively raise tension”. For Crosetto “if the Russians arrived in Kiev, if they conquered a sovereign country , if we took it for granted, like some self-styled experts and professors who are complacent towards Russia, and I wonder how we can be so for free… , that we can invade another country just because we are stronger, it would be a disaster for everyone’ ‘So Italy will continue to ”provide aid, as we have done so far, as long as it is useful and as long as we are able to do so”.

“Insist on diplomacy”

”All countries can do something more in terms of aid, but above all we must believe and insist on diplomacy. We need to go back to forcing the hand of the UN, of Putin, at the Geneva conference; the Vatican can also resume its mediation. We must leave no stone unturned to reach a truce: even one day without bombs is a result, because then it can become two, or three, or four…”

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