The game of football in Trani prison to teach respect for the rules – PugliaSera

The game of football in Trani prison to teach respect for the rules – PugliaSera
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Hope must be nurtured and trained, as Don Tonino said and Trani sets the example.

Football, almost always expressed in a negative way, due to fights, violent cheering and insults to the referee, in Trani is expressed in a positive and proactive version.

In fact, in recent days, the qualification course for the D license, reserved for a group of inmates of the Apulian prison facility, ended in the Trani prison.

Lately it had hit the news due to the daring escape of some inmates, in this case however, and we are sure that the news will not have the same relevance, for an example to imitate and propose again.

Let’s see the project in detail.

It was an educational path within the pilot project “Let’s train hope”, which also involved the institutes of Paola and Bergamo, born from an idea of ​​the former senator Angela Anna Bruna Piarulli, with the active collaboration of AIAC of president Ulivieri, supported by the FIGC, married in this case by the director of the penitentiary Giuseppe Altomare.

Positive synergies and collaborations between bodies and institutions always lead to creating a network and creating something that would not be feasible individually.

The commendable project concluded with the delivery of the final certificates by the AIAC vice president, Pierluigi Vossi.

Let’s see in detail how it was structured.

The lessons, which began on 4 December 2023, were attended by 23 inmates, among the approximately 400 inmates, and were divided into 122 hours of training, between theory and practice with a complete program for obtaining the qualification. The coordinator of the teaching staff was the President of Aiac Puglia, Domenico Ranieri with the precious collaboration of the Secretary of the Provincial Bat Group, Mario Petrocelli, assisted by the Provincial President, Luigi Di Franco.

A large team of teachers: Lorenzo Catalano (Football technique and practice), Italo Sannicandro (Training methodology), Gaetano Petrelli (Goalkeeping technique), Teresa Caldara (Psychology), Francesco Marinelli (Sports medicine), Nicola Bianco (Football to 5), Cristina Mitola (women’s football), Giuseppe Sforza (Federal Charters) and Stefano Ayroldi (Football Regulations).

As we said, it was a great team effort; everyone chose their role, but without the collaboration of the others the same result would not have been achieved.

The educator Cinzia Calzaretti, the cultural mediator Francesco Romano, the commander of the Penitentiary Police Felice Nazareno De Pinto and his deputy, Andrea Gavarrino, played a proactive role with them.

Everyone, starting from the prisoners involved, said they were enthusiastic about the project, but the creators of this initiative were even happier because they felt useful and motivated, transforming the ball into a driving force for the start of a new life or at least , a change of perspective for the future.

The ball can give hope and they have trained to believe in it.


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