The project for the new Sante Zennaro school and all the projects for the hamlet were presented in Terrazzano

The project for the new Sante Zennaro school and all the projects for the hamlet were presented in Terrazzano
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Rho, 18 April 2024

On the evening of 17 April 2024, the municipal administration illustrated to the citizens of Terrazzano the project for the construction of a new headquarters for the “Sante Zennaro” primary school. The council and planners then answered the residents’ many questions, consolidating the dialogue started in recent months with all the interlocutors involved. The city councilors were also present in the room Paolo Bindi And Giuseppe Caronni.

The school will be developed on a single level with a surface area of ​​1,370 square meters. It will have an Agora space, five classrooms for classes, two classrooms dedicated to children with some fragilities, four laboratories, a multipurpose room and a refectory. The project, starting in the next few days, involves 546 days of work and will cost 3,238 thousand euros. The school should be ready for the 2025-2026 school year.

“Terrazzano is a beautiful community, with a solid identity – highlighted the Mayor Andrea Orlandi, thanking the parish priest Don Diego Crivelli for having made the parish hall available – For years no major investments have been seen here, now one of the projects of Rho the changing city represents a significant innovation. Rho sees many other construction sites starting, all at the same time, because the source of financing is the same. I am thinking of the refectory of the Federici school, of the new kindergarten which will have 60 places which can be expanded to 72. And then, near Terrazzano, the De Gasperi sports center and apartments seized from the mafia used for social purposes. We have decided to seize the opportunities offered by the PNRR, which brings 65 million euros to the city, while every year we have an investment capacity of 5 million. It was a train not to be missed. We had to intercept funding for Rho to align itself with the development of Mind: nothing comes if you stand still. Now we face a phase of disequilibrium to move on to a new subsequent equilibrium. Let’s try to proceed with a constructive discussion.”

In this regard, the Mayor recalled the request of the Senior Center to be able to maintain its headquarters: “We requested to be able to keep part of the old school destined for demolition. We expected a response within this public meeting, but unfortunately it did not arrive. We have no dogmas, we try to find the best path together with you in a context, that of the PNRR, characterized by considerable rigidity in terms of rules”.

“The Sante Zennaro school is strongly anchored to the territory – explained the councilor for Public Works buildings Emiliana Brognolirecalling the manager’s commitment Annapaola Menotti and the engineer Daniele Forcillo. The councilor for urban planning was also present in the room Edoardo MariniWe thought about an improvement, since the current location lacks a gym and modern teaching spaces. We moved in a competitive context: in 2020-2021, 550 projects were candidates throughout Italy, this is among the 15 schools financed throughout Lombardy. The basic idea is the result of a comparison between pedagogists, experts and architects who have defined the school of the future, I’m talking about Stefano Boeri, Cino Zucchi, Renzo Piano. It was a rebirth bet in the middle of the pandemic, now the change must be made operational. A school has a lifespan of 50-60 years. The current building dates back to 1964 and was expanded in the 1980s. Today it has lacks of organization and the need for a gym. The project will develop in the municipal area adjacent to the existing school: first the old headquarters will be built and then demolished, avoiding inconveniences due to transfers. I thank the manager and the teaching staff for the discussion and suggestions: the classrooms for the most vulnerable are the result of a discussion started with them”.

The engineer Riccardo Monico highlighted the enthusiasm that accompanied the birth of the project: “The children will enter the Agora, the classes will all have a view of the internal garden, the gym will also have access from the outside to be used outside of school hours, as will the canteen which is designed as a civic classroom available to the territory . The building will be equipped with modern systems and is designed to save energy: the heating will be by heat pump, 74 percent of the energy will come from photovoltaic panels”.

The architect Maurizio Garrasi he precised: “The classrooms are arranged to the east, which allows solar radiation in the morning hours, with screening provided by the portico in front of the classrooms. Large windows will allow a view of the garden, the laboratories face the public park. The canteen will be accessible from via Don Giuseppe Bianchi. The school will be a new, easily recognizable place in the city, with a simple architectural composition and different colors to characterize the spaces. The building will be well air-conditioned and will have excellent air circulation and carefully designed natural and artificial light. The construction site will begin shortly, which requires the felling of some trees, which will then be replaced with double the number of those that were cancelled. At the end of the works, the dog area will remain active and the play area will be renovated. The Municipality then requested a strip of public parking for long-term and short-term parking.”

The school will have two entrances: from Via Dalmazia, as today, from Via Don Bianchi, which allows traffic flows to be divided. Interventions are planned on the Don Bianchi, Monviso and Friuli streets.

The Councilor for the Environment and Mobility Valentina Giro he clarified: “The general traffic plan is being drawn up, which provides for road arrangements in the hamlet, with the establishment of one-way streets to improve circulation and create space for pedestrians and cyclists, safeguarding the passage of urban and extra-urban public transport buses. urban. Interventions worth over 100 thousand euros are planned for the park. The play area, now divided into different parts, will be reorganized into a single area, with colored flooring that guarantees cleanliness and safety, and a large game in the shape of a pirate ship with different possibilities for children to climb on. There will also be swings for children with disabilities and sensory games. The position of the “ship” was designed to guarantee shading, thanks to the presence of a stupendous lime tree. Pathways and benches will be rearranged.”
Another topic addressed by Valentina Giror was it the new water house: “The request started as part of the hamlets consultation, CAP Group will implement it with a cost of 40 thousand euros. It will be activated by the end of the year in via Don Fumagalli”.

Requests have emerged for larger car parks given the size of today’s cars, for safer pedestrian passages towards the cemetery, for spaces for teenagers, for cameras in the park where incidents of noise and damage occurred last year. With respect to district heating, the Mayor clarified that Terrazzano will be the recipient of connections, but only in the long term, when the ring of pipes will be completed which will allow the entire territory to be reached.

The councilor Paolo Bianchi took stock of young people: “We aim to attract teenagers, through the Ludobus, trying to use the new school laboratories and perhaps even the oratory ones. The school porch and canteen will provide other meeting spaces. The kids ask for new ideas, such as three-way football, climbing walls. At Molinello they find tree climbing, military gymnastics and basketball hoops. Maybe, one day, in the green space we will have after the demolition of the school we won’t need a football field, but something different. We are listening to the needs of the kids.”

The Mayor also announced the project for sixteen graves in the Terrazzano cemetery, on the proposal of the councilor Maria Rita Vergani: “We have blocked sales to the living. Let’s build an adequate and not high number of them because from 2026, when many twenty- and forty-year concessions expire, we will have many more available.”

Upon request for asphalting of roads and sidewalks, Andrea Orlandi he replied: “You don’t need to be a good mayor to pave asphalt, you just need to have the money. As I said, every year we have 5 million available for every need. 13 million would be needed to asphalt. In this year’s budget we have included 850 thousand euros for the streets, another 400 thousand for the sidewalks. But throughout the city. Unfortunately the PNRR has forgotten about the maintenance of roads, buildings and green spaces. We are doing our best.”


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