the real cause of allergies is in front of everyone and it is not just air pollution

“In the 2008 there Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno hosted a speech of mine on a particular form of allergy which complicated and still complicates the lives of a very large number of citizens of Andria today. And the allergy to cypress pollen and of all species of the family Cupressaceae (various species of cypresses, junipers, thuja and others). Its diagnosis is rather complicated as it manifests itself from December to April, the period in which it appears colds And influences from respiratory viruseswhich have symptoms such as sneeze, a runny nose and others such as those caused by allergies, particularly to cypress pollen, and can be confused” – The ecological researcher from Andria reminds us of this Nicola Montepulciano. The objective is to make citizens and local administrators more aware, counteracting the superficial interpretation that sees the problems of Health of a respiratory type mostly related toair pollution and/or the dissemination of pathogens. Thanks to his research, Montepulciano once again points the finger at the disproportionate planting of non-native conifers (a typical phenomenon of recent decades, which has contrasted that of the natives oaks) and does so by mentioning the work of a healthcare professional:

“The existence of allergies to cypress pollen was discovered in the 1960s, but it is somewhat underdiagnosed in clinical practice as mentioned above. This form of allergy affects a very high number of our fellow citizens and this fact was discovered by the pulmonologist of the then USL of AndriaDr. Michele Sforza. << The diffusion is such - reported the doctor. Sforza, who I interviewed, that Andria is among the first places in Italy for people affected by this allergy...>>. Five were, and unfortunately still are, the main allergenic sources of cypress pollen in our area, three in the city and two outside. The municipal villa, full of cypresses of various species, the cemetery and the schools. The reforestation between 1950 and 60 of our Murgia with cypresses, thujes, pines, etc., and private villas, widespread throughout our territory. The owners, who ignore the properties of every single plant and their consequences, in order to have large and large trees in a short time, have planted and continue to plant any type of plant, including cypresses, pines, thuja, etc., aided by the << Forestry >>, who gives them away hastily. Cypress pollen, blown by the wind for kilometers, can reach very distant locations and damage your health. It is unacceptable that because of cypresses we have reached pathologies of a social nature such as allergic asthma, rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and more, which undermine the health of citizens, especially children, and require treatment considerable financial commitment both aside public than by individual families. We are almost at anepidemic” – observed Montepulciano who then concluded:

“The absurd thing is that many schools have queues of cypresses or thuja as a wall next to the metal fence. Parents need to become aware of this situation and turn to the school directors and the mayor to try to remedy it in some way. But the Doctors should also promote a meeting with the Mayor to request the necessary measures. It is not a question of cutting down all these species of trees, but of reducing their presence, because in this way the “pollen load”, i.e. the quantity of pollen, is reduced so as to harm health as little as possible. But there is also another plant that should be kept under control and that is the “parietaria” (Parietaria officinalis), whose pollens cause allergies like cypresses. Parents should learn to recognize it in order to eliminate it, even with their hands, where possible. But what can the Mayor do? First of all, issue an ordinance to prohibit the planting of cypresses and the like, eliminate a certain amount of them, especially the sick ones, because, it seems, they emit more pollen than the healthy ones. Reduce the presence of the parietaria as much as possible and this doesn’t bother anyone. The Alta Murgia Park should, at the very least, proceed with the eradication of small cypresses, otherwise the situation is destined to persist, and in this way the taking root of the downy oaks will be facilitated. Pollution, then, is an “irritant thorn” that facilitates and amplifies allergies “Atmospheric particulates break down pollen, facilitating their dispersion” and penetration into the respiratory tract. But, in any case, even without pollution, allergies cause damage to health and how. In Bari, as in many Italian cities, “hypoallergenic gardens and parks”, “pollen-free gardens”, “Pollen Free gardens” (could English be missing?), etc. have been created. And in the “old parks”, albeit slowly, progress is being made reduction of allergenic plants. Will something like this be done in our city?” – concluded our fellow ecologist. As evidence of Nicola Montepulciano’s awareness-raising work, which began in 2008, there are media and scientific interventions and observations following the date of publication of the article signed by him. Some examples:

Allergie, la soluzione? Un parco “anallergico” in città

Il potenziale allergenico dei parchi verdi urbani

The allergenic potential of urban green parks


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