today scattered clouds, Saturday 30th partly cloudy, Sunday 31st rain and sunny spells

today scattered clouds, Saturday 30th partly cloudy, Sunday 31st rain and sunny spells
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Prato Weather Forecast

Prato weather situation real time – Friday 29 March

Real-time situation: According to the detection of the Florence Peretola weather station at 11.50 pm, the current situation is characterized by a partly cloudy or hazy sky, with a temperature of 13°C. Light winds from with intensity of around 4km/h.
The closest radar detection of 0:00 hours reports no precipitation with intensity 0 out of 12.
According to the latest weather forecast, the next few hours will be characterized by some scattered clouds, with a temperature of 12°C. Moderate winds coming from the South-West with intensity between 14km/h and 21km/h. There is no precipitation.

Prato weather forecast 3 days

Friday 29 March: day characterized by some scattered clouds. Today a maximum temperature of 22°C will be recorded at 3pm, while the minimum at 4am will be 10°C. The winds will be moderate throughout the day coming from the South with an intensity between 17 and 23km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 12 pm with a UV value of 5.3, corresponding to 765W/m2.

Saturday 30 March: day characterized by general conditions of slightly cloudy skies, temperatures between 10 and 23°C. In detail: widespread sunshine in the morning, scattered clouds in the afternoon, light rain or showers in the evening. During tomorrow the maximum temperature will be recorded at 2pm and will be 23°C, the minimum of 10°C at 6am. The winds will be moderate from South-South-East in the morning with an intensity of around 17km/h, in the afternoon moderates coming from the South with an intensity of around 30km/h, moderate from the South-South-West in the evening with an intensity between 13km/h and 26km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 12 pm with a UV value of 6.6, corresponding to 855W/m2.

Sunday 31 March: mainly rainy day with possible sunny spells, min 11°C, max 20°C. Going into detail, we will have widespread rainfall in the morning, showers and sunny spells in the afternoon, compact cloudiness in the evening. During the day a maximum temperature of 20°C will be recorded at 4pm, while the minimum at 6am will be 11°C, the lowest level of the freezing point will be 2300m at 9am and the minimum snow level will be 2060m at 9 am. In the morning the winds will be weak coming from the South with an intensity of around 10km/h, for the rest of the day moderate coming from the South with an intensity between 16km/h and 27km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 1pm with a UV value of 2.9, corresponding to 563W/m2.

March 29th scattered clouds 10°C 22°C


S 15 / 23
n/a n/a
March 30th a bit cloudy 10°C 23°C


S 27 / 30
n/a n/a
31 March Rain and sunny intervals 11°C 20°C


S 9 / 27
n/a n/a

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