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Antonella Clerici’s dig

Giovanna Civitillo, the scenarios after Amadeus’ farewell from Rai: Antonella Clerici’s dig at It’s Always Midday surprised the fans. Let’s find out what will become of her for the next television season: will she separate from her husband after years?

Giovanna Civitillo at It’s Always Midday (

Now that the farewell of Amadeus from the Rai it’s official, there’s a lot of talk about the new scenarios of the public company that will have to fill the void left by the famous host as best as possible. The first moves in this regard were the choices for Your business and above all the Sanremo Festival. For the parcel game, much loved by the public, the choice went up Stefano De Martinor, who performed well with his Tonight everything is possible on Rai 2.

As regards the Sanremo Festival Rai preferred not to risk going with what was defined ironically by many professionals and by the public itself as safe second-hand, referring to Carlo Conti who will then return to the stageAriston starting from the next edition. However, many are now asking themselves a question: with Amadeus’ farewell, what will become of his wife Giovanna Civitillo?

What will become of Giovanna Civitillo on Rai?

This is just one of the many questions that the public is asking itself these days, raising a strong controversy because it is very clear that the Italians wanted the presenter to remain in Rai, also because his last years were characterized by greatest hits and not just for the Sanremo Festival. In fact, record numbers were also recorded at Affari Tuoi, with the spectators literally glued in front of the TV for the pack game.

Giovanna Civitillo remains in Rai without Amadeus (

Which perhaps never achieved such high popularity. Many were disappointed by Rai’s choice to break this relationship and now we are also talking about what will happen the future of Giovanna Civitillo who is part of the cast of It’s Always Midday Antonella Clerici. The doubt that assails the public is the following: the family has split but Will the two separate in the workplace?

It seems so, yes Giovanna will also be part of the Clerici staff next year, who however wasted no time in returning to what is a much discussed topic, namely the one linked to the figure of the wife of the famous presenter who moved to Nove. The doubts seem to have been resolved by Clerici herself who confirmed Giovanna in her show for next year too.

Clerici’s irony, then Giovanna’s confirmation

During the last episodes of It’s always midday, Clerici had touched on the topic as follows: “We have reached the final exam, we need to see if Giovanna will be promoted, failed or postponed until September” alluding to his position with Rai. Then add later: “For us the exam passed with flying colors” confirming what appears to be the intentions of the company’s top management.

With Giovanna returning to the past when she made herself noticed with participation in L’Eredità who was hosting Amadeus at the time: love struck between the two on that programme.

Pina D’Onofrio

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