all signs from 1 to 7 July 2024

all signs from 1 to 7 July 2024
all signs from 1 to 7 July 2024

We are in the last days of the waning Moon, the new one in the sign of Cancer will arrive in the early hours of Saturday, July 6. For the cardinal signs, such as the aforementioned Cancer, but also Aries, Libra and Capricorn it is an important period because in these days Mercury transits the degrees on which Mars will retrograde next winter, which translated means that what is being discussed in these days will be a reason for great effort between the end of the year and the beginning of the next. In short, between the end of June and the beginning of July the fate of the future will be decided, which will be more challenging for these signs. Peter Copping was recently appointed creative director of Lanvin, he is a Capricorn of the first day of January, today, July 1, is his anti-birthday, which is why we can wish him a happy birthday for the stress he will have to manage from September 2024 to spring 2025, with a peak around January. These days bring news or ideas that will prove fortunate for other signs too, some of which really need a little hope: Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces, the universe is offering you a helping hand, take it!


There are discussions that are worth having. I usually advise Aries not to get angry, but now could be a good time to loosen inhibitions and indulge in argument. It is the right time to make requests out loud, maybe even shouting.

It’s a time of new beginnings and these days very intriguing news can rain down. Of course, for some people of the sign there are some scores to settle with the past, and some annoyances are to be expected, but fear not because the future holds better surprises.


Saturn has been in retrograde motion for a few days. Those who are experiencing it with some hostility could feel a general heaviness compared to the previous days. You may also experience delays and slowdowns in plans that previously seemed to be going faster.


Someone has their eye on you. Whether it’s work, or new relationships, or why not both, the best will seem to want to come after your birthday, or after the New Moon. It’s a time to open yourself up to prosperity and express your desires out loud.


Mars in Taurus calls many Leos to their duty and also requires a bit of focus in a period in which there would only be a desire for rest / fun. There are some issues still to be resolved, small skirmishes that have been going on for a while. Better to stay on the ball.


Saturn in Pisces has taken a retrograde motion and many people of the sign could feel a worsening of their mood. At the same time these days there are resources (ideas or news) that will allow Virgos to grow and strengthen starting from autumn.


This period of early July is ideal for strengthening your diplomatic skills, especially in the family or couple sphere. Someone seems to have different opinions than you, but you can get around the obstacle by maintaining patience and cordiality.


Mars in Taurus urges Scorpios, who have some back issues to resolve, in some cases even legal. Sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle to then win a war, and now it is better to look to the future and be strategic.


Sagittarius may feel a bit of Saturn’s retrograde, which began a few days ago and brings a bit of heaviness, loss of enthusiasm and slowing down of their plans. There is a desire for introversion, and perhaps it would be the right time to listen to it.


As anticipated, this is the week in which some news can be positive on one hand, but shield Capricorns from work for months between the fall and spring of 2025. It is a period of growth, but there is some performance anxiety and fear to be taken into account.


For Aquarius, a big change is underway, work, affections, personal relationships. At the same time, there are issues with the past that still need to be archived and July is the time to get rid of a problem or a person once and for all.


It’s a bit of a two-faced period, on one hand there’s good news coming, which could represent a turning point in the future, but on the other hand there’s also a bit of growing heaviness and pessimism that seems to want to ruin the mood. It will get better: hold on.

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