Fans in bras at Vasco concert. Storm for hot shots

Fans in bras at Vasco concert. Storm for hot shots
Fans in bras at Vasco concert. Storm for hot shots

The concert at the Circus Maximus in Vasco Rossi aired in prime time on Rai1, it was full of ratings but also of controversy. It wasn’t the rocker who ended up at the center of criticism, but rather some television shots, which sparked criticism and set the internet alight.

It all started with the broadcast of “Vasco Live Rome Circo Massimo XXII“, The documentary film with live and backstage images of the two event concerts, which Blasco held in Rome in June 2022, broadcast on Wednesday 5 June in prime time on Rai 1. Two hours of music in which Vasco, in front of 140 thousand spectators, retraced his musical history between old and new songs. Since it is a documentary, the shots lingered several times on the backstage and also on the vast audience present at the two evening events and there was no shortage of “inconveniences”. One above all, however, has raised criticism and outraged the people of social networks: the shots of the fans in the front row, many of whom were left in their bras halfway through the concert.

At the concerts of some famous bands and artists it is not unusual to witness similar scenes and Vasco Rossi, in his many concerts around Italy, found himself several times faced with crowds of screaming fans left in bra for him. Nothing shocking, but some still found the shots in bad taste and there was a lot of criticism on the web. “I would have saved myself the shots of the front row gyrating in a bra, but #Vasco will have appreciated it“, commented one user on X while another: “From Rai we expect something better than resumed on half-naked fans in the front row. Seen once is enough“. The one who ended up in the eye of the storm was Rai, which oversaw the event with the Prime Time Management and Cinema and TV Series Management in collaboration with Rai Radio2, and using twenty-seven cameras to tell the story of the most loved rocker’s event of Italian song.

Nothing to do with what happened a year ago in Salerno, when a couple of Vasco fans allowed themselves to be overwhelmed by passion during the concert of the rocker from Zocca at the Arecchi stadium. There sex scene it was filmed by several spectators present at the live show in Salerno and ended up on TikTok, becoming viral.

Following numerous reports and due to the violation of the platform’s rules, the video was removed but the story caused such a sensation that it ended up on all the information sites and local newspapers.

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