«I have a biological age of less than 38 years»

Is called Dave Pascoe, is American and will turn 62 in August. He is so fit that those years are not visible: he himself is an influencer, a biohacker, who demonstrates how you can extend your life by eating well and training. Pascoe claims to have a biological age of just under 38. A former security engineer now retired, he works only towards this goal: to turn back his genetic clock. He has a website where he records all of his performances: from the daily intake of 158 supplements (82 in the morning, 76 in the evening) to his exercises in the gym with stretching and weights.

He takes care of himself obsessively, read what he writes: «I consider my body like a prized racehorse or a precious high-performance vehicle. I will only ever have this, so just like any precious possession, I will treat it with reverence and invest heavily in its appearance, performance, fuel, care and maintenance. I only wish I had known and applied everything I know now, decades ago!”

On his website he wanted to clarify what differentiates him from Brian Johnson. “I am chronologically 16 years older,” he writes. And then he gives his advice: «I’m not vegan. I’m not for calorie restriction. I don’t eat the same thing day after day. I am not taking testosterone replacement hormones. I intentionally avoid personal care products that contain endocrine disrupting ingredients.”

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Dave Pascoe, the routine

His routine includes a lot of physical exercise, but not only that.

The biohacker begins a morning routine with 15 minutes of stretching on the floor. Afterwards he brushes his teeth and cleans his tongue. An hour later he begins swallowing supplements including calcium-D-glucarate and a vitamin D3 pill. Then Pascoe tries to get some sun exposure and go outdoors for a walk or run. Then he moves on to vigorous training that focuses on resistance and weights. Finally he treats himself to a sauna and 45 minutes of meditation.

Dave Pascoe, what he eats

The former engineer eats a workout supplement smoothie before a breakfast of a green banana and a bowl of chia berries. He rarely has lunch and eats dinner between 3pm and 5pm.

When he eats he always opts for organic beef raised in open-air pastures and free to roam, free-range chicken or wild-caught fish. Eat lots of colorful vegetables. But he doesn’t count calories: “By limiting simple carbohydrates most of the time, I eat as much as I want without gaining weight and, apparently, without increasing the rate of my aging.”

Use blue light blocking glasses to reduce exposure and protect your vision even while watching television or using your tablet. Before going to bed, he does balance and flexibility exercises and takes dozens more supplements.

However, he considers himself a flexible person: «If something were to happen that interferes with the execution of one or more of them, I don’t get stressed about it. While it’s great to have good structure and discipline, some of the best things in life happen spontaneously!

She adds: “My ‘me time’ is extremely important, so I schedule it, but I don’t miss the opportunity to spend quality time with others. As a single person living alone, I would trade the workout, sauna, or biohack for quality time connected, every time. Just one day of missing some routine won’t kill me.

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Like Brian Johnson, Pascoe also does biohacking: what is it

Like Brian Johnson, Dave Pascoe is also a “biohacker”. What does it mean? We see many influencers practicing biohacking online. It literally means “hacking your biology”. Biohacking is essentially the practice of modifying our chemistry and physiology through science, self-experimentation, and learning to increase our cognitive and physical abilities. And thus increase our energy level and be able to strengthen the body.

They practice meditation and intermittent fasting to have more energy, health and the resilience you need.

According to Giacomo Spazzini, entrepreneur and founder of GS Loft, a consultancy club for the well-being of the body and mind, there are non-invasive biohacking practices within everyone’s reach that can be adopted and tried to integrate, step by step, into the everyday life to achieve body-mind balance. This was reported by the Ansa agency which draws up five rules to begin introducing biohacking into your life.

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The rules for introducing biohacking into your life

Five biohacking techniques to put into practice immediately could be: the application of intermittent fasting, essential for detoxifying the body from excesses. 16 hours must pass since the last meal and during abstinence it is possible to drink some coffee, sugar-free drinks and lots of water (it is however necessary to rely on nutrition specialists: do not improvise). Then you can be consistent in your training: reach 10,000 steps a day in the open air or a 20′ high intensity circuit every other day that includes squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, burpees and thrusters. Strength training is also essential since to burn and lose weight you don’t just need to perform cardio exercises, on the contrary, with strong muscles you burn many more calories even at rest and the foods ingested will be directed by our body to the muscles rather than to the fat cells. You need to sleep well and maintain a healthy and regular circadian rhythm. How you do it? You can, for example, practice an intensive sport in the afternoon and, before going to sleep, dedicate time to meditation or breathing exercises. Just a few minutes are enough for surprising results. In the evening it is better to avoid snacks and have a light meal a maximum of 4 hours before going to sleep. To fall asleep, instead of watching television, it is better to read a good book and avoid all blue lights, including smartphones. Another good habit is to practice deep breathing. Every morning as soon as you wake up, after drinking a couple of glasses of water, lemon and salt, it is a good idea to take 3 series of 30 deep breaths for a total of 15 minutes, preferably sitting or lying down with headphones in your ears and a playlist for meditation. The result will be a feeling of tranquility and relaxation, you will feel mentally more serene and connected with your body. Finally, it can be very useful to include cold showers in your routine: thermal shocks stimulate the immune system, increase resilience, concentration and determination, reduce low-grade inflammation and increase thermogenesis thanks to thermoregulation.


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