Fiaso, Giovanni Migliore reconfirmed as president for a new three-year term

Fiaso, Giovanni Migliore reconfirmed as president for a new three-year term
Fiaso, Giovanni Migliore reconfirmed as president for a new three-year term


Politics and Healthcare

July 01, 2024

Giovanni Migliore has been reconfirmed as head of Fiaso for the next three years: Internationalisation, sustainability of the NHS, combating inequalities in access and artificial intelligence are the key words of the new mandate

Of Farmacista33 Editorial Staff

At the end of the assembly of the members of the Italian Federation of Healthcare and Hospital Companies (Fiaso) which took place in Rome, John Migliore he was unanimously reconfirmed as leader for the next three years.

Best leader of Fiaso since 2021, he has a degree in medicine and specializes in healthcare management and recently received an honorary degree for the development and management of medical innovation from the state university of Tirana. He is currently general director of the strategic regional agency for health and social care – AReSS Puglia, professor of strategic management of healthcare companies in the School of Medicine of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, has ten years of “management” experience leading large public healthcare companies and a particular expertise in the areas of information systems, design and management of organizational change in the context of complex projects and strategic planning.

“I thank my colleagues who have renewed their trust in this presidency. Fiaso – Migliore recalled – in the last three years has achieved the highest growth rate in its history, today represents nine out of ten public healthcare and hospital companies and has consolidated its institutional role, becoming a protagonist in the public debate and in the with political decision makers. Always offering a constructive contribution and operational proposals, largely accepted, such as in the recent ministerial decree on waiting lists”.

“In a particularly delicate moment for public health, in the near future we have the responsibility to address the issues of internationalization, sustainability of the NHS and above all the fight against inequalities of access, with a particular focus on the contribution of new numerical calculation and communication technologies in healthcare, such as artificial intelligence.”

“Healthcare companies are a successful model and have ensured sustainability for Italian public healthcare for thirty years and our federation is the best expression of this – Migliore continued – even during the pandemic, Fiaso with the network of sentinel hospitals contributed to giving the right dimension to the repercussions of Covid infections on the healthcare system, and has designed and anticipated indications for organizational choices aimed at recovering performance and services for citizens. But above all I like to remember ‘the Fiaso amendment‘ proposed to hire and stabilize healthcare workers recruited during Covid, implemented in the 2022 budget law and extended again this year. It served to offer job security to thousands of healthcare workers and to give a breath of fresh air to healthcare companies, called to deal with an estimated shortage of 43 thousand doctors and 60 thousand nurses in the next 5 years”.

“Today we do not have many resources, but precisely for this reason we need excellent managers, so as always we make ourselves available to the country, but it is more essential than ever to change the rules, to support innovation and to ensure primary care for millions of citizens, starting from the centrality of the patient and implementing a care system that does not exclusively chase the provision of services, but focuses on prevention and the real value of care”.

“In the next few years – he concluded – the implementation of the PNRR Health Mission will come to life, we are still called to spend, quickly and well, about 15 billion, these are precious resources that must help us restore equity to the health system, to facilitate access to care, especially for populations in remote areas or with limited availability of health services”.


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