fatigue and headaches, but also neurological and cardiac problems

While on the one hand Covid seems to have loosened its infectious grip, with numbers gradually decreasing, the after-effects of the virus continue to increase and the number of people experiencing the syndrome of Long Covid: persistent symptoms such as «fatigue, chronic headaches, difficulty carrying out daily activities, but also problemscardiac and neurological problemsaffect 45% of Italians (and Milanese) infected during one of the many waves”, recalls in a note the Order of Doctors of Milan announce a training initiative for white coats dedicated to this phenomenon of which – the pandemic in the strict sense has been archived – we talk less about it now.

Covid, the KP.3 variant is worrying. The experts: “He’s running fast, he’s traveling by plane.” What is it, new symptoms and updated vaccines. The virus situation in Italy

The post Covid syndrome

But «la post Covid syndrome determines a significant socio-health impact on the national health system”, explains Roberto Carlo Rossi, president of the Milanese Order (OmceoMi). «If to some extent thanks to vaccines and better knowledge we have managed to counteract the effects of the ‘first’ Covid infection, today the challenge, if we want to call it that, is represented by the ability to better manage the effects of long-term Covid.” According to the Higher Institute of Health, the data cited by the Milanese Order, in Italy between 2021 and 2022 there were 4,700 deaths linked to post-Covid, an underestimated number.

“In the Milan area a proportion indicates an expected around 350 deaths.” Data, they explain from OmceoMi, “which recalls the need for greater awareness on the topic, both of local medicine and of the population”.

With this objective, the asynchronous distance learning (Fad) ‘Epidemiology, clinic and management of Post Covid syndrome’ starts tomorrow, Thursday 20 June, on the OmceoMi platform.

The objective is to learn more about «the phenomenon of affected people who present, weeks after the end of the acute infection, various subacute and chronic clinical manifestations, often decidedly disabling and lasting over time, even several months, with a significant impact not only on welfare and management costs, also on the person’s quality of life. The first available numbers demonstrate this, and many more will arrive to confirm it”, highlights Rossi.

«Hence the need to create a specific course, for adults and pediatrics, which can help in the recognition and treatment of this syndrome, above all defining a path to initiate patients, who often say they feel little understood and helped. Once again the Ambrosian Omceo is leading the way on an issue that is passed over almost in silence but which affects many citizens (and many doctors, who have fallen ill on the front line) and who have not even recognized an exemption for pathology or a specific disability code is listed”.

The course has «a dual objective – declare the scientific managers and advisors of OmceoMi, Maria Grazia Manfredi and Massimo Parise – On the one hand to provide (in)formation on the post Covid syndrome, framed in a clinical context (epidemiological data, possible manifestations and sequelae, therefore the management of the condition in all its various implications aimed at the right patient, adult or child); on the other, to offer clinicians, specialists and local medicine indications that can help standardize and standardize an approach to the patient by providing effective treatment.”


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