where they come from and how to eliminate them — idealista/news

where they come from and how to eliminate them — idealista/news
where they come from and how to eliminate them — idealista/news

Scolopendras, commonly known as “centipedes” or “centipede worms”, belong to the class of arthropods and not insects. These invertebrates can sneak into our homes, creating a certain amount of discomfort, although their bite is not lethal to humans. Therefore, the question arises: scolopendre at home How do they infiltrate and what are the strategies to eliminate them or prevent their entry? In this context, natural remedies and preventive measures represent effective solutions to combat the problem.

How to eliminate scolopendras at home?

The presence of scolopendras in a home, even if in small numbers, requires targeted intervention for their complete elimination. Among the strategies to be adopted:

  • natural remedies: we recommend using traps with food as bait. The scolopendras, attracted by the food, will slip into it, allowing it to be eliminated manually. It is recommended to adequately protect your hands during the operation;
  • insecticides: in case of significant infestations, the use of specific insecticides for centipedes becomes necessary. It is essential to scrupulously follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use;
  • professional disinfestation: If DIY methods do not have the desired effect, it is advisable to contact a professional pest control company. Exterminators will use the appropriate techniques and products to permanently eliminate centipedes from the home.

The adoption of a structured and gradual approach, which combines natural remedies, specific insecticides and, if necessary, professional advice, represents the key to effectively solving the problem of scolopendre at home.

How dangerous is the scolopendra?

There scolopendra, as is known, is a venomous centipede whose bite, although painful, generally causes only local reactions. However, it is essential to take some precautions for correct treatment.

In case of a bite it is advisable to follow the following steps:

  • keep calm: avoid panicking and do not touch the bite area with your bare hands;
  • wash the wound: gently wash the bite area with soap and water to clean it;
  • apply a cold compress: apply a cold cloth or ice pack to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling;
  • avoid irritation: do not apply irritating substances or ointments to the wound without first consulting a doctor;
  • request medical assistance: If you experience serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing or allergic reactions, go to the emergency room immediately.

It is also advisable to consult a doctor for a complete evaluation of the bite and to receive the appropriate treatment. In particular, it is important to seek medical attention if you are bitten for the first time, as in these cases it is possible to develop an allergic reaction.

Where do scolopendras hide in the house?

Scolopendras, as is known, are nocturnal creatures. However, it is fair to wonder where they hide during the day. The answer is that they prefer dark and damp environments, which offer them refuge and shelter.

Here are some of the places where you are most likely to find scolopendras during the day:

  • cantina: the cool and humid environment of the cellar represents an ideal habitat for scolopendras;
  • bagni: the high level of humidity present in bathrooms makes these environments particularly welcoming for these insects;
  • soctoroofs: the attics, often dark and dusty, provide centipedes with a safe and sheltered hiding place;
  • Llaundry rooms: the presence of water and humidity in laundry rooms makes them attractive for scolopendras;
  • dbehind the furniture: the spaces behind the furniture, especially if difficult to access and narrow, are often colonized by scolopendras;
  • seight objects: objects slightly raised from the floor, such as boxes, newspapers or shoes, can serve as shelter for scolopendras during the day;
  • ffissures and cracks: Scolopendras easily creep into cracks and cracks in floors and walls, where they find shelter and protection.

It is important to underline that the presence of scolopendras in these places is not necessarily a sign of infestation. However, if you notice a large number of scolopendras, you may need to take the measures mentioned above.

How to prevent scolopendra infestation?

In addition to having analyzed the possible entry points and nests of scolopendras, it is essential to adopt preventive measures to avoid the infestation of these insects. Below are some practical and effective tips:

  • ssealing cracks and fissures: Use silicone or putty to seal cracks and crevices in walls, frames and doors. This will prevent scolopendras from entering your home through these passages;
  • thenstallation of mosquito nets: install mosquito nets on windows and doors to block the access of scolopendras from the outside;
  • chumidity control: keep the house clean and dry, eliminating stagnant water and excessive humidity. Scolopendras prefer humid environments, so eliminating them will make the home less attractive for these insects;
  • rimotion of potential shelters: eliminate leaves and wood piled up near the house, as they can provide scolopendras with hiding places and nesting areas;
  • rnatural epellents: Use natural repellents such as peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, vinegar or citrus peel essential oils. These products can help keep scolopendras away and make their environment less hospitable.

If there is already a scolopependre infestation, the above preventive measures may not be sufficient. In such situations, it is advisable to contact a professional in the pest control sector for a targeted and effective intervention.

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