Italy 24 Press News

Ermal Meta dad, from waiting until the birth of his daughter Fortuna – Very true


Ermal Meta dad, from waiting until the birth of his daughter Fortuna

Ermal Meta became a father and on social media he shared the video in which he leaves the hospital with his daughter: let’s retrace the singer’s emotions for the arrival of his little girl

Ermal Meta has become a father and on social media he shared the video in which he leaves the hospital, emotionally, with his little girl.

After making the happy announcement last April, the singer shared a very true the emotions for the arrival of the first daughter: “I’m about to become a father and this is the most beautiful moment it’s significant of my life, a beautiful adventure is about to begin. My daughter will be called Lucky Mariea big name, but he represents exactly that to me and his mother.”

However, it was not the first time that the singer spoke to very true of fatherhood. In 2021 he had not hidden his fears. “I thought for a long time that I didn’t want to become a father, I never wanted to run the risk that my son might think of me what I thought of my father. But maybe today something inside me has changed”, said the singer who in his songs has often denounced violence by his father.

Let’s retrace the story of Ermal Meta dad in the video above.

June 26, 2024

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