Italy 24 Press News

Who is Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, Ultimo’s pregnant girlfriend. Her troubled relationship with her mother Heather Parisi

Blonde, without makeup, spontaneous smile. The name of Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo is also resonating on the web in these hours, after the announcement of the pregnancy at the stadium Olympic Stadium in Rome. His companion, Niccolò Moriconi from San Basilio for everyone Lastduring one of his sold-out concerts he introduced her from the stage announcing the happy event, kissing her still barely visible belly and wrapped in a dress with shades of sky blue. Shiny eyes they, the fans, who have been following them since well before this public release for this very special announcement, are delirious.

The story with Ultimo

There relation between the two it has in fact been official for at least three years, from 2021. «We couldn’t be more different, and yet it’s there something so similar that we have in common and unites, I haven’t understood what it is yet but I hope a lifetime isn’t enough”, she wrote to him on Instagram. Or: “I love you more than pistachio!» Photo e you kiss also on his profile, shy about his private life but spontaneous when it comes to declaring himself to his girlfriend: «This world is a place without alibis. Luckily you live there.” And the rest is dedicated to Jacqueline Luna the song «That thread that unites us» and they are always there, protagonists and lovers, in the video of «Somewhere else».

Relationships with mother Heather Parisi

But as in all stories, even the most glossy ones, it’s not always all rosy. Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, born on March 10th 2000 and lived between Rome, Hong Kong and Los Angeles, studying in the world of cinema then the launch of a fashion brandAnd Daughter of the famous showgirl Heather Parisi and Giovanni Di Giacomo, a well-known doctor orthopedic and, last year, it ended up in the newspapers for a “sad” story, to use one of its adjectives. The girl had in fact intervened publicly on her relationship with her mother, who had rebuilt her life with another partner with whom she had two more twins in 2010 at the age of 50. A deniedin reality, since Parisi – March 2023, on the Rai broadcast «Beasts» – he had described his as a «large extended family» and then, pressed by the presenter Francesca Fagnani, she responded as follows about the Roman singer-songwriter: «If I’m happy to be the mother-in-law of Last? Whose? I don’t know what you’re talking about».

«I haven’t seen my mother for 10 years»

Annoyed the reply of Jacqueline Luna, who wanted it stick up for The company in an Instagram story: «I will always respect my mother, despite hers absence in the my life. I felt myself last night lack of respect I, and I find myself forced to admit one sad realitywhich I personally would have preferred not to share. I haven’t seen my mother for 10 years». No public aftermath since then, even if now on social media the news of the pregnancy is also arousing curiosity on Parisi’s profile: «You are a grandmother, congratulations, happy?!», they tease her, awaiting the showgirl’s public outing. Jacqueline Luna, on the other hand, shows herself a lot tied to the father. «Dad I love you», he writes to him in a post. And again: «For you doctor, for me all my heart, you are my point of reference, my anchor he is my best friend”.

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