«I was there, that’s how the fight went. The blonde girl is with the rapper every night”

«I was there, that’s how the fight went. The blonde girl is with the rapper every night”
«I was there, that’s how the fight went. The blonde girl is with the rapper every night”

The case of the alleged beating continues to be held Cristiano Iovinothe “coffee man” mentioned in “Unica”, the docufilm on Ilary Blasi, to whom Fedez would have participated, according to the investigations of the Milan Prosecutor’s Office. The rapper is under investigation and the charges are of affray, injury and battery in competition. The truth could come out from camera footage and testimonies.

This was also discussed in the second part of the last episode of Mattino 5. The paparazzo was also in connection with the presenter Andrea Franco Alajmowhich revealed what would have happened between the rapper and the personal trainer in the Milanese club The Club. The paparazzo said live that in the Milanese club there was also a known woman, the girlfriend of a well-known AC Milan footballer.

The revelation

«I can make some revelations to you – underlined the paparazzo Andrea Franco Alajmo on Mattino 5 -. There are many of my colleagues who lately refuse to work on Fedez at night. The other night I didn’t have time to arrive so I called a colleague and said ‘look, he’s in this nightclub with some friends, do you want to go?’. He says to me ‘look, I’d rather not, because you know how the night works, then maybe he’ll catch me and I really don’t want to argue so I’ll avoid it’. However, there are not only the witnesses you speak of, but there are many others who tell the truth. Because the argument started inside a famous nightclub. There are those who swear to me that a well-known person was also present, the girlfriend of a famous AC Milan footballer. Because this is a very important detail.”

The paparazzo added: «The van? Most likely it is his. He also moves with a van, everything most likely arose for a woman. This girl he’s seeing a lot. In practice he is with her every evening, she is always present. Everyone was interviewed by the Carabinieri and the recordings of the premises were also taken. Look, there was a big fight in the nightclub. They told me about pushing, they actually pushed each other into the private room. So there was also something big in the place, before the square under Cristiano’s apartment.”


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