Italy 24 Press News

Pieralisi / The new CEO Zeppelli: «Group in expansion, Jesi at the center» – Video

Jesi – Almost 100 million euros in turnover for 2023, 500 people hired directly from the company, in addition to collaborations with external personnel, production plants, service and commercial presence throughout the world, these are the numbers of Pieralisi Group presented by new CEO Aldino Zeppelliwho took office in March this year, who explained how the Group’s activity is projected towards oil production and industrial application, focusing on the development of the Jesi manufacturing center and the territory, to open up to international markets.

Mechanical engineer53 years old, originally from Modena, the new one CEO boasts a career that passes through prestigious multinational groups as Ariston Thermo Group, Whirlpool, Sandvickwhich led him to gain experiences around the world, up to his most recent assignment as Senior executive vice president for the division Loader Cranes Of Cargotec.

In Jesi he will take care of drive growth of the Pieralisi Group, with a view to developing the service and the relationship with customers.

«I am proud to have joined a group of excellence on the Italian market, known throughout the world – explained Aldino Zeppelli -. What I’m finding, now that I have the opportunity to visit the affiliates Pieralisinot only in Europe but also in the rest of the globe, is that the brand name boasts a unique recognizability is in the oil world both in what I believe to be the great opportunity for development, industrial application».

«This, as you might imagine, has a much broader perspective for the expansion of business, compared to the oil market. We are certainly talking about a market worth billions of euros, where the expertise of this brand is already known. So it’s a big one expansion opportunities of skills already present”.

In the industrial sector, in fact, machinery Pieralisi their core business is separation of solid from liquidwhich in the oil sector translates into the pressing of olives but in other areas of application this technology is used for the sludge and water purification. All the municipalities in Puglia, for example, use the Group’s plants for the purification of aqueducts. Other areas of intervention I’m also the food & beverage and the pharmaceutical chemical sector.

The technology sector

A production and a servicetherefore, which tend to broaden their range of action by entering new sectors and new markets with the closest objective of looking at development while taking firmly rooted in the territory, the new one specified CEO.

«One of our ambitions is to continue investing in Italian territoriality And Surely Jesi represents a center of excellence that we want continue to develop, above all by investing in those skills that have made this company great in the technological and product development areas.”

«I say this with extreme pride because, especially in the Iesino, Marche and Italian related industries, I think we are able to attract, retain and develop those unique skills that they made of Pieralisi an Italian excellence in the world and which distinguish the Italian product. Jesi is an important center in which to cultivate talent and develop these skills, to strengthen the local territory while looking towards global expansion.”

The new CEO therefore confirmed the will of the Group, whose main shareholder since 2020 is the fund Goddess Capital – for 51%the rest of the family -, to invest in our territory while also strengthening relationships with local and Italian customers, are The company has 500 direct employees to which are added those who collaborate externally, approximately 300 in the Jesi manufacturing building, in via Brodolini. The Group is also present in Spain and Brazil – with production plants – and in Germany, Holland, Greece, Maghreb, then Tunisia and Morocco, the United States and South Americawith centers of excellence service and commercial presence.

«Goddess Capital it’s a group of private equity of primary European importance and relevance – he specified -, with a portfolio of approximately 29 billion euros, which has major development projects for the Pieralisi company, both from the point of view of professionalism and for expansionist ambitions of the turnover and on global presence of our brand, especially in two fundamental markets, strengthening our presence in Europe and in the Mediterranean but also in the United Arab Emirates.”

“Technology Pieralisi can be applied on everything that is the industrial sector. We must aim to be much more specific in order to direct our resources and our investment plan where we see that there are needs to be met, as in the case of the municipality plan, the water treatment which was mentioned before is one of the great opportunities, which is already a reality today.”

«We want to replicate these examples of success at a European level, because these needs are fundamental and in line with the plans environmental sustainability promoted at European level and which correspond to the philosophy of our Group”.

«In the Jesi plant we have made large investments in recent years, from a manufacturing point of view, creating a center of excellence for production from the internal components of our machines, therefore the Heart of our product, this makes the company a unique reality.”

The oil sector

Even in the oil sector we are witnessing a moment of expansion of the market and recovery of the sector, confirmed Aldino Zeppelli.

«After two years of contraction in the oil sector market, there we are facing a three-year period of great expansion. Not just for the type of investments that are coming from Pnrr – we are talking about over 100 million euros allocated by the European Community for the Italian market – but also for the quality and productivity of the land extremely high. Third element of great expansion is also geographical, if our natural market tends towardsMediterranean areathe oil market is also expanding in the area of Emirates Arabswhere large investments are also arriving from sovereign commissioners and which will therefore need significant investments in machinery and skills”.

«I think it’s a unique moment for the expansion of the olive oil market he was born in brands Pieralisi. It is an element of our strength brandsin which we will continue to invest, is the servicetherefore the proximity to our customers. It is part of our expansion plan to continue investing in centers close to the point of use of our machinery and therefore to our customers.”

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