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Current ISEE update, you need to hurry: you risk losing your allowance and benefits

In order not to miss out on benefits and bonuses, the time has come to calculate the current ISEE. Who should proceed and by when.

The ISEE current has different renewal times than the ordinary ISEE. For some taxpayers it is already time to fill out one new Single Substitute Declaration. Let’s see what to know to avoid making fatal mistakes.

The current ISEE must be calculated as soon as possible (

The legislation provides that in the event of certain situations the taxpayer can update the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator presenting the current ISEE. The ordinary indicator refers to the income and assets of the two years preceding the compilation of the DSU (2022 for the calculation of the 2024 ISEE). Over the course of 24 months, however, many things could change. A member might lose their job, for example, or might be forced to put their house up for auction because they haven’t been able to pay their mortgage.

In short, assets and income could vary significantly so as to significantly lower the ISEE value. Hence the possibility of updating the Indicator taking income and assets relating to a closer period of time as a reference. In particular, the value of the current ISEE refers to the last 12 months against the two years of the ordinary ISEE.

Guide to the current ISEE, who needs to renew the DSU as soon as possible

The current ISEE form shows the financial and income situation of a family unit in the 12 months preceding the completion of the Single Self-Declaration. In this way, the picture that emerges is much more realistic. Not everyone can update their ISEE. To request the current ISEE it will be necessary for some specific situations to have occurred, such as a change in self-employed or employed work, a change in social security, welfare and compensation payments, a change in income of more than 25% or a decrease in assets of 20% or more.

When to renew the DSU with current ISEE (

To request the current ISEE it will be necessary to present the ordinary ISEE, the DSU, the certification attesting to the change in working conditions, the documents relating to the previous year’s income, balance and deposit in current accounts. There is an important difference between ordinary and current ISEE. The first indicator is calculated every year and is valid from January to December. The current ISEE form, however, is valid for six months.

It means that, whoever requested it in January, will have to renew the DSU by the June 2024 deadline. Otherwise, the disbursement of concessions, bonuses and benefits could be suspended according to the value of the current ISEE and the ordinary ISEE will be taken into consideration. Finally, in the event of changes relating to a member of the family unit, the current ISEE must be submitted within two months of the change.

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