Italy 24 Press News

Poste Italiane, have you seen this fantastic promotion? There is little time to activate it..

Poste Italiane, what a magnificent promotion it has given to its users. But be careful, there is little time to activate it.

Italian post office new promo (

If you are looking for an absolutely unmissable and super offer convenient you have to rely on Poste Italiane. Moreover, it is not new that Poste Italiane is offering new promotions increasingly attractive with the aim of retaining customers but at the same time attracting new ones. A result that can only be achieved enticing new customers to stop by to the Italian Post Office. Excellent alternative to banks when it comes to account creation and card availability.

In short, the offer which we will go into more detail below is truly broad and is capable of providing at almost zero cost those operations now considered routine, such as a bank transfer or a withdrawal. And then even having a zero-cost account is a rarity because opening one has its own management costs and expenses, therefore you need to monitor them constantly to avoid spending a luck in no time.

Promodigital24, the new Poste Italiane offer

Promodigital24 Poste Italiane (

And here Poste Italiane enters the scene with an offer whose name has already made everyone really crazy, we’re talking about Promodigital24, What does the 24th correspond to? A small clue, it’s a very advantageous detail, but let’s proceed in order. Promodigital24 is the promotion that a new account holder can access.

Simply choose between the ones to open an account three options present: Start, Start Young and Medium to be completed by July 31st. Each person who activates this promotion will have 12 months of free rent, therefore you will not have to cover the costs. But there is more because from the thirteenth month if the salary, pension and a transfer of at least €700 are credited to the account. Or you maintain an average balance above 2,500 euros per month, you will have entitled to an additional 12 months of free rent.

How to activate the promo

In short, an absolutely advantageous offer that you can’t say no to. To activate, you can access the official website or alternatively go to the relevant Store – depending on whether you have an Android or iOS device – and alternatively download one of the two apps: Poste Italiane or BancoPosta.

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