Do those who move to another city lose their mortgage interest repayments? The answer dispels all doubts

Do those who move to another city lose their mortgage interest repayments? The answer dispels all doubts
Do those who move to another city lose their mortgage interest repayments? The answer dispels all doubts

Anyone who buys a home as their main residence can enjoy reimbursement on mortgage interest: but what happens if they move elsewhere?

There fiscal detraction which concerns them interest paid on a mortgage loan for thepurchase of the main residence it is a right to a discount on additional charges to be paid in income tax to be requested when submitting the 730 or the Single Form. Under current legislation, the deduction is only available for the main residence and not for other real estate properties.

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But what happens if you move to another city? What does the law say in this regard and what type of limitations are contemplated by the Revenue Agency? Can those who move to another city after obtaining the reimbursement of mortgage interest continue to benefit from the deduction?

The discount on mortgage interest is a benefit with a maximum limit. L’maximum deductible amount for the mortgage interest depends on some factors related to the applicant’s income and family situation. However, in general, the deduction can reach up to 4,000 euros per year.

The property must still be your primary home or that of your family members. This is what the legislation says. And precisely in this sense it is possible to understand what could happen in the event of the refund applicant moving to another city, different from the one in which the company is located. first house.

It should be remembered that if the dwelling in question comes leased to third parties (or put up for rent, even though it is vacant), the deduction is lost. The benefit in the form of reimbursement lapses even if the house is not actually inhabited, therefore if it does not really represent the main residence.

Repayment on mortgage interest: how to keep it even if you move to another city

According to the Revenue Agency, there are various possibilities that imply maintaining the right to reimbursement even in the event of moving to another city. The first concerns the hospitalization in hospital institutions. If the person requesting the reimbursement has to move to a retirement home, a health care center or a hospital, they obviously do not lose the right to reimbursement, even if they leave their home.

Mortgage interest reimbursement: how to maintain the right even after the transfer –

Even those who move to another city for work or emergency matters he does not lose the right, but as long as the house is still his main residence or that of his family members. This also applies if you move to a municipality neighboring the one in which the property is located. It should be remembered that if the property is vacant or rented to third parties, the tax deduction lapses immediately.

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