Italy 24 Press News

the review from 5th to 7th July

From Friday 5th to Sunday 7th July, ‘Lungomare di libri’ returns to Bari, the literary event that transforms the capital of Puglia into a large open-air bookshop along the sea (thanks to the presence of local booksellers and publishers) and into a crossroads of meetings with authors from all over Italy, in the symbolic places of the city.

The fourth edition of the Festival revolves around the theme ‘The Memory of the Sea’ and will unfold along a path along the Wall up to Largo Vito Maurogiovanni, from Fortino Sant’Antonio to Piazza del Ferrarese, from the Fish Market to Spazio Murat.

Master’s lessons, editorial presentations of novels and essays, readings, moments of in-depth study, activities for girls and boys and reading advice will alternate over the course of three days, from the afternoon to the late evening, for events that draw inspiration not only from the theme of sea, but also from the latest editorial news of essays and novels.

The lectiones magistrales that will focus on the sea, between current events and literature, are entrusted to three significant voices: Annalisa Camilli, journalist and writer, with the lesson dedicated to the current events and tragedy of migration by sea Why are shipwrecks in the Mediterranean no longer newsworthy? (July 7); Björn Larsson, writer (published in Italy by Iperborea), with the lectio on the sea as a source of inspiration in literature, entitled The sea and sea literature between myth and reality (July 5); Silvio Perrella, writer and literary critic, with the lesson The news of the sea, on the sea in poetry. Among the other guests and the other expected guests (in alphabetical order): Emanuele Aldovrandi, writer and playwright, author of the novel Our great nothing (Einaudi), on love and relationships (July 5); Saba Anglana, singer-songwriter, actress and writer, with her debut book La Signora Meraviglia (Sellerio), a sweet and violent memoir about her Somali origins (July 6); Luca Bizzarri, Italian comic actor, presenter and writer, known for the duo “Luca e Paolo”, with the book Non hanno un amico (Mondadori), an ironic look at the protagonists and events of contemporary society (July 6); the young writer, poet and musician Elvio Carrieri, with his first novel Poveri a noi (Ventanas), in which Bari is the backdrop to a long friendship (July 5); Cristina Cassar Scalia with Il Castagno dei cento cavalli (Einaudi), a new thriller for the protagonist Vanina Guarrasi, whose adventures are also told in the TV series Vanina, un vicequestore a Catania on Canale 5; Filippo Ceccarelli, journalist, commentator on Propaganda Live on La7, with the book B. Una vita troppo (Feltrinelli), on thirty years of Berlusconism and current events (7 July); Gabriella Genisi with Giochi di ruolo (Marsilio), a spin-off of the successful Lolita Lobosco series; Francesco Carofiglio, writer and director, author of the novel La stagione bella (Garzanti) on universal themes such as pain, hope, the profound meaning of life (6 July); the illustrator Vittoria Facchini with the children’s workshop Mare Matto (7 July); the writer Lorenza Gentile with the new novel Tutto il bello che ci aspetta (Feltrinelli) set in Puglia (7 July); the author Marcello Introna with the book Oro forca fiamme (Mondadori), set in Bari at the end of the seventeenth century (5 July); the writer Andrea Piva with The Eternal Girl (Bompiani), a novel proposed by Nicola Lagioia for the 2024 Strega Prize (July 5); Alessandro Vanoli, historian and writer, author of the podcast History of the Sea (Laterza and RaiPlay Sound), now in bookstores with The Invention of the West published by Laterza (July 7); Antonella Viola with the new book that immediately entered the charts The Time of the Body. The Sun, Sleep and the Rhythm of Life (Feltrinelli), on the well-being of the body from which the quality of our life derives (July 6); the memory of the local author and poet Vito Maurogiovanni, who passed away in 2009, with Castelli di Puglia (July 6); Nicolò Carnimeo (July 6).

Scheduled at the Civic Museum (Strada Sagges, 13) is the exhibition of the illustrator Armin Greder with the tables of the books Isola e Mediterraneo (published by Orecchio Acerbo), which will be inaugurated on 5 July with a lecture by professor Simone Di Biasio of the University of the Roma Tre Studies and with the participation of Fausta Orecchio (exhibition open until 14 July).

The Ticket to Read camper returns directly from the Turin International Book Fair. Guests in the evenings include singer-songwriters Ashes (5 July) and Chiara Cami (6 July), founders of the singer-songwriter writing format Treseizero, for an after Lungomare between books and music through the theme of the Memory of the Sea, hosted by Margherita Schirmacher, in collaboration with Chausson Italia – La cultura in viaggio. Saturday 6 July will close with a DJ set by El Muezzin at Caffè Nero (Strada Vallisa, 19).

Lungomare di libri is a project for the promotion of books and reading, inspired by the successful formula of Portici di Carta in Turin, which involves the tourist promotion of the city’s historic centers and the involvement of fertile territorial realities of the publishing industry, such as independent bookstores, libraries and local publishers.

The fourth edition of Lungomare di libri is promoted by the Municipality of Bari – Department of Cultures and by the I Presìdi del libro Association, with the support of the Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Promotion of the Territory, and is organized by the International Exhibition of the Book of Turin, together with the booksellers of Bari and the province, the Apulian publishing houses with the organization of the APE-Associazione Pugliese Editori.

All appointments are free, subject to availability. Program being updated:

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