Italy 24 Press News

Books, the new life of the Colonnese brothers: an online bibliographic study

A family that has always been dedicated to books and editorial wonders that starts again with a new project. Fifty-nine years after the opening of the first bookshop and after forty years of activity, Edgar and Vladimiro Colonnese are launching a new exclusively online space. «I Colonnese» is a bibliographic study where it is possible to find ancient, out of print, rare books and paper collectibles.

«In addition to out-of-print and rare old books, we want to continue to give the right importance to paper things: small apparently useless testimonies, but which tell the story and customs of a country in continuous transformation. From postcards from the early 1900s to photographs, not forgetting posters, flyers, posters and everything that falls under the so-called minor collecting. Enter our virtual shop to browse” say the brothers Colonnese.

Their story goes back a long way. Way back in 1965 the idea of Gaetano and Maria Colonnese takes shape in the heart of the city and continues with the commitment of his sons Edgar and Vladimiro. In 2018, the Colonnese family sold the book and publishing business, no longer dealing with bookshops or the publishing house of the same name, now the prerogative of Mazzei Librerie Srl. But a new and fascinating project begins.

Inside a courtyard Piazza Luigi Miraglia, along the decumanus major in Naples, the new challenge of the new space, exclusively online, for book-loving readers begins. And there are many goodies and curiosities offered by Edgar and Vladimiro Colonnese. From the Christmas delivery note from a wine and oil shopkeeper, to the autographed handwritten letter from an important 19th century writer which gives us important background information on a publication considered unobtainable today. From medical prescriptions from the 19th century, to carte de visite format albumen photographs, to tissue stereoscopies, stereoscopic images for transparency. From the historic photographs of the twenty years of fascism, to the flyers of the D’Annunzio company in Fiume, to the electoral propaganda ones of monarchic and then republican Italy. From theatrical posters to those of the regime. And again, prints, drawings, curiosities, ephemera, objects, memorabilia.


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