Italy 24 Press News

The club of troubled people, here is Giuseppe Rossi’s latest novel

“Il Club dei Tribolati” is Giuseppe Rossi’s latest work, released in 2024 almost simultaneously with “Braccialetto Maledetto”. This new novel tells the story of an esteemed man, owner of a boutique, who decides to create a very particular club: the club of troubled people. The idea was born from the observation that «if you are born unlucky you can hope that things will change in the space of a short time. If, however, you have the mark of trouble in your DNA, you risk being marked for life, because bad luck knocks on your door more than once.”

The protagonist of the book, driven by the desire to make sense of his own misadventures and those of others, launches an appeal to all of Italy, inviting anyone who feels “troubled” to join him. Thus was born a club that meets on weekends to share stories and find comfort in each other’s company. From Friday to Sunday couples meet in a location, where they eat and talk as they do in the family, around a table, in the garden or perhaps in front of a lit fireplace. The troubled ones travel around the world and the hunt for a place in the club begins, many dream of meeting… the black cat. Even the New York Times talks about it, calling it a miracle of Italian imagination. Wife and husband are called to tell their misadventures, those adversities that become stories, some bordering on the improbable. For everyone, a nefarious past and a future with only one goal: seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

The author

Giuseppe Rossi, born in Rome “several” years ago, is a professional journalist with a long career behind him, having worked at the Messaggero from 1973 to 2000 and then directed (and designed) the free press Leggo from 2001 to 2010. In 2023 he presented his first novel, “The perfume of mimosas”, followed by “The perfume of brooms”. With “Il Club dei Tribolati”, Rossi changes theme again, demonstrating notable narrative versatility. His books, initially intended for relatives and friends, have found a wider audience, fascinated by his stories.


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