Italy 24 Press News

“Re-generations”, the theme of the fifth edition of the “Napoli Città Libro”

From Friday 14th to Sunday 16th June, from 10am to 8pm, the “NapoliCittàLibro”, Book and Publishing Fair 2024, returns, with the title “Re-Generations”, divided into the five thematic islands “Genres”, “Visions”, ” Generations”, “Cognitions” and “New Memories”. The events will be held in the spaces of the Congress Center of the Maritime Station of Naples.

Organized by the Liber@Arte association, the event expands the international cultural network, confirming the twinning pact with the Feria Internacional del Libro de Cali (Columbia), signed last year, and hosting the city of Durazzo (Albania) with its writers, supporting peace, solidarity and the meeting between peoples.

In this fifth edition there will be 136 editorial acronyms and the national publishing houses will be present, with their authors, Bompiani, E/O, Einaudi, Fandango, Feltrinelli Gramma, Guanda, HaperCollins, La nave di Teseo, Marsilio, Mondadori, Nutrimenti, Solferino, Sperling & Kupfer, Voland.

In the spaces of the Maritime Station, Tgr Campania, in addition to telling the NapoliCittàLibro to its viewers in the news editions during the three days, will be present with the Agorà space of the “Leggilibri”, edited by Claudio Ciccarone: it will inaugurate it on Friday 14 June, at 11.30, together with the central editor Oreste Lo Pomo.

The Agora will be animated by debates that will explore many worlds, from Neapolitan song to metropolitan poetry, passing through women’s literature in Campania, detective stories, noir, fantasy and historical novels, Neapolitanness (culture, history, linguistics, special museums, cinema , Neapolitan beauty and madness), the cheerful spirit of Partenope, children’s and children’s literature, comics.

Among the guests, Pasquale Scialò, Gianluca Marino, Giuliana Covella, Geppina Landolfo, Amalia De Simone, Luciana Esposito, Valentina De Giovanni, Chiara Tortorelli, Martin Rua, Guido D’Agostino, Titti Marrone, Pietro Treccagnoli, Vittorio Del Tufo, Sergio Siano , Nicola De Blasi, Lello Esposito, Amedeo Colella, Ottavio Costa, Pier Luigi Razzano, Massimiliano Virgilio, Alessio Forgione, Gino Aveta, Toni Cercola, Patrizio Trampetti, Maurizio Capone, Marco Gesualdi, Peppe Lanzetta, Lorenzo Marone, Gennaro Marco Duello, Angelo Petrella, Gianni Valentino, Fran Allen.

“Raipoesia2022”, Luigia Sorrentino’s web project for Tgr Campania, opens inside the Salon, “La stanza dei poeti”, which will host readings (Friday 14th June and Sunday 16th at 1pm, Sala Urania 2).

Liber@Arte also creates and launches a format that combines music and poetry: the “Napoli Sound Fest, voices and sounds of the city”, with three events curated by Fabiana Russo and Gabriele De Simone. The first, Saturday at 3pm, in Sala Urania 2 with Gian Marco Ferone, Veronica Pesce, Simone Scognamiglio, Angelo Noviello, Kevin del Cuoco. The second, at 7pm in the Calipso Room with Divertenseria, Giovanni Conelli, okaynevada, Gaia Parlato and Simone Notari. The third, Sunday 16th, 7pm at Sala Calipso with Antonio Calabrese, Insolito, Sebastian De Wil, Chiara Ferrante and Ciro Russo.

The collaboration with the International School of Comics has been confirmed: this year too the teachers of the academy for training in the visual arts will hold workshops dedicated to comics and new media in NapoliCittàLibro.

At NapoliCittàLibro, ten years of “A legendary day – Books and readers on the streets of Vomero” will be celebrated, a project to spread books and reading and, more generally, culture in a dynamic and participatory way. A party with readings by teachers and students and with artistic performances by actors and musicians.

The Festival received a contribution from the “Centro per il Libro e la Lettura”, the patronage and support of the Municipality of Naples, the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Rai Campania, the Naples Chamber of Commerce, Campania Legge – Napoli Premio Foundation , by FAI Campania, ACE Associazione Campana Editori, ALI – Italian Booksellers Association Confcommercio, AIB – Italian Association of Libraries Media Partnership RAI.

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