Italian Pasta in 3D Told in a Collectible Book

Italian Pasta in 3D Told in a Collectible Book
Italian Pasta in 3D Told in a Collectible Book

Italian pasta is changing shape, production process, consumption methods. Science fiction or reality? After the launch of BluRapsody, a 3D food brand, a startup of the Barilla group, which uses 3D printing technology to create pasta shapes with a unique design, original architectures created to measure by a team of designers called upon to create shapes and colors, The Usual but Better – The design of the 3D printed pastaa visually appealing coffee-table book that offers a multifaceted, layered and decidedly unusual platform for conversation around the topic. An XL work, 200 pages with 64 photographs, printed in a limited edition of 1000 copies in Italian and 500 in English.

A journey between past, present and future

«A journey that began a year ago, between past, present and future» he explains Valentina Parravicinimarketing & business development manager of BluRhapsody. «We started from the roots of pasta, our gastronomic culture, looking to the future with curiosity and innovation, to make what is usual, customary, something special». The idea for the book was born from here, from the desire to share, with images, texts and recipes, one of the dishes of the Italian gastronomic culture par excellence. The images of the photographer are of great visual impact Roberto Savio (also responsible for the creative direction) of the dishes made with BluRapsody pasta by the gastronome and chef Barilla Beatrice Buzziaccompanied by the texts of Anthony Gagliardiresponsabile Design & Technology BluRapsody, Michela PetronioRD Technology, Process, Packaging Research and Laboratories Director of Barilla, Stefano Maffei, director of the Master design for Food at the Polytechnic of Milan, Antonella Campaninifood historian at the University of Bologna and, last but not least, the writer and food populariser Charles Spinelliwhich questions the consumer needs and gastronomic opportunities of the pasta of the future.

Inspiration for dishes and recipes to replicate

In total, 30 images of dishes with great narrative power, chromatic exuberance and formal cleanliness, capable of enhancing the construction of the recipe from the point of view of design. Works of art to browse. And taste. Because for those who want to try to replicate them, there is a convenient QR code that links to the recipes and their ingredients. Like the 3D Spaghetto “a tribute to Gualtiero Marchesi with chives and caviar, but proposed in the latest version created by Davide Oldani” explains chef Beatrice Buzzi. Or, again, the dishes made with formats that recall the sea, but have nothing of the sea. “The lobster revisited in a vegetal key, which recalls the classic lobster bisque, but made only of seaweed and mushrooms; or the scallop format stuffed with cardoncelli mushrooms and a coral of fleshy pickled peppers” adds the chef. And if today there are different formats on the market, which cook 7-14 minutes, just like a normal pasta, the service is also customizable “with a cost that goes from 200 to 500 euros, but not replicable for anyone else”, underlines Valentina Parravicini. A tailor-made service that also explains the cost (15.90 for a pack of 6 pieces), but which opens a new frontier of cooking not only fine dining, but also home cooking.. Photographer Savio is convinced of this, according to whom «innovative ingredients and techniques are not just a passing trend, but rather the springboard for a more sustainable, more conscious and more intelligent way of feeding ourselves».

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