In Ivrea at ArtDabò the book by the medium Maura Avetta and Piccole d’arte

In Ivrea at ArtDabò the book by the medium Maura Avetta and Piccole d’arte
In Ivrea at ArtDabò the book by the medium Maura Avetta and Piccole d’arte


Intense weekend at the ArtDabò atelier, in via Arduino 37 in Ivrea, starting this evening, Friday 21st, at 8.30 pm, with the Friday in company cycle which will see Maura Avetta present her new book Call me Maura – The road to awareness through the perception.

It is a work through which the author intends not only to tell about herself and her human and professional journey, but also to remind readers that they always have the possibility of being in harmonious balance with what surrounds them. «For years – explains Avetta – I have been practicing treatments ranging from crystal therapy to metamorphic therapy, from reading the crystal ball to regressive hypnosis, as well as those with Tibetan bells. I am a medium and a reiki master, since I was a child I have had an open portal with subtle energies and now my greatest desire is to awaken people’s hearts. The only way to feel good about ourselves and evolve is knowledge and love.” And she underlines: «We need to trust in the Universe, without judgment or fear. Let your intuition guide you, love yourself and you will learn to love others because we are all interconnected. Being free to be yourself always, at all times, in all circumstances, because everyone is a wonderful being.”

Daniela Borla, artist and owner of the atelier, expresses herself like this: «Maura is a dynamic and enthusiastic woman about life and hers is an autobiography written in a flowing and captivating style. “Nothing happens by chance” she states in her pages and this consideration is very thought-provoking». The presentation of Call me Maura will be enlivened by the vibrational music and performance of Divy Kampan. Entrance is free and punctuality is recommended due to limited places.

The appointments at the Atelier ArtDabò will continue tomorrow, Saturday 22nd, at 4pm, with the second meeting of Piccole d’arte, creativity courses aimed at children aged 6 to 11. These courses were created by Borla herself and her partner Luca Stratta, a graphics enthusiast, to guide the little ones in an informal approach to art, aimed at conveying basic theoretical and practical information to them, without sacrificing the rigor of the contents. An experience with important educational and training value. «This second meeting, like the previous one, will be dedicated to the painter Vincent Van Gogh – explain the artists -, because such was the success last Saturday that the maximum number of attendees was quickly reached and it seemed bad to disappoint all those children who were unable to participate. The enthusiasm of those who were admitted, but also of their parents, and this desire to follow art courses and become passionate about the stories of the artists, makes us think that we have managed to create something that was missing and that can only bring good to these new generations.”

Reservations on whatsapp (via messages) at 347.3841147 or 348/5973491. Expense contribution: 10 euros per meeting. At the end of the project the works will be exhibited in a collective exhibition at the ArtDabò atelier.

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