Fidas of Metaponto donates books to the Matera hospital

METAPONTO – Not only blood collection, but also cultural initiatives. And so Fidas of Metaponto delivered to the pediatric department of the Madonna delle Grazie Hospital in Matera, the books collected through EquiLibri, a fundraiser promoted by Gaby Adviser of the Gaby Books publishing house. An action promoted by the Fidas volunteers of Metaponto with the president Anna Sellitti, who carried out this important initiative of the “Born to read” program which resulted in the opening of a library now available to the pediatric and neonatal departments . A space in which young patients can distract themselves and travel with their imagination, thus making their stay in hospital more peaceful.

The collection of texts was started at the end of 2023 through an awareness campaign that involved many associations, and which came to fruition, says president Sellitti “thanks to the contribution of the presidents Pancrazio Toscano and Rosa Viola of the Fidas Basilicata and Domos associations Basilicata, of the extraordinary commissioner of the ASM Maurizio Friolo, of their collaborators the doctors Giuseppe Troiano, Cinzia Targiani, Andrea Molino and finally of the Pitagora comprehensive institute of Bernalda and Metaponto with the director Grazia Maria Marciuliano and the referring teachers Domenica Perrone, Maria Rosaria Leone, Celeste Lorito, Irene Andrisani, Mina De Palo and all the families of the students. Special thanks to the ladies of Mani di Fata who, together with Egrib with Anna Lanza responsible for the project, the sole director of Egrib Canio Santarsiero and the manager of Egrib Donato Larocca, have chosen to donate the contribution collected with the project “The waste returns to life to help life”. He then thanks the citizens and traders of Metaponto and Bernalda, the doctors, the health workers and the representatives of the program, the doctors Maria Carla Santarsia, Roberta Antuori and Debora Plasmati and the health director Gaetano Annese who expressed words of gratitude for this donation .

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