Drago Vaia Regeneration Inaugurated: It’s the Largest Wooden Dragon Sculpture in the World

Drago Vaia Regeneration Inaugurated: It’s the Largest Wooden Dragon Sculpture in the World
Drago Vaia Regeneration Inaugurated: It’s the Largest Wooden Dragon Sculpture in the World

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The Vaia Regeneration Dragon, with its 17 meters of length and 7 of height, And the largest wooden dragon sculpture in the world.

Created by the artist Marco Martalarrises in Magré, in the municipality of Lavarone, where the first Drago Vaia was destroyed by flames.

The official inauguration was attended by the president of the autonomous province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, and the vice president and councilor for culture Francesca Gerosa.


Fugatti underlined how the work represent the environmental, cultural and landscape values ​​of the community, transforming a natural disaster into something beautiful. Gerosa highlighted the community resilience and the importance of accessible art.

At the ceremony they were also present the artist Marco Martalar, the mayors of Lavarone and Luserna, Isacco Corradi and Michael Rech, and the president of the Lavarone Green Land cooperative, Christian Caneppele. Thanks to the participation of over 1600 people through crowdfunding, it was possible to reconstruct the work.

It was also announced that the story of the dragon’s reconstruction will become a documentary film entitled “In the Skin of the Dragon”, directed by director Katia Bernardi, who followed Martalar’s creative process. A crowdfunding campaign will be launched on Gofundme in the next few days to support the post-production of the film.



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