Italy 24 Press News

Weather, 1816 the year without summer. What happened

Will a spring in the rain also bring a summer in the rain? Do we really run the risk of living “a year without summer”? Happen, it’s already happened once. It was 1816 and it wasn’t the fault of the unstable weather, but of a volcano. As explained byMeteorological Observatory University of Naples Federico IIin 1815 the Tambora volcano, in Indonesia, erupted, dispersing an enormous quantity of dust into the atmosphere which spread everywhere «and acted like a filter against solar rays, causing a sort of small ice age which lasted over the years subsequent ones.”

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During the same period two other exceptional phenomena are recorded: the Dalton Minimum, during which the Sun is believed to have given off less energy and the so-called Little Ice Age still ongoing at the time, a general cooling phase that lasted from the Middle Ages until 1850. Result, 1816 is remembered as “the year without summer”.

The summer of climate chaos

nicolas lozito

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«The grape and wheat harvest was terrible and the lack of bread immediately caused the people’s anger to explode, exasperated by hunger and the dramatic situation after the Napoleonic wars; due to lack of fodder, large quantities of pigs were slaughtered but, once they disappeared, everyone began to eat everything, from cat to moss” writes Federico II. And it was also in 1816 that the young Mary Shelleyon holiday on Lake Geneva as a guest of Lord Byron together with her husband and other literary friends closed at home due to bad weather, wrote Frankeinstein, her masterpiece.

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