Italy 24 Press News

Putin in North Korea looking for weapons, Kim Jong Un’s invitation

The Russian president Vladimir Putin on an official visit to North Korea today and tomorrow at the invitation of Kim Jong Unthe first in the ‘hermit kingdom’ in the last 24 years.

On the occasion of the trip, the Russian leader wrote an article for the North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun, in which he praised Kim for “the firm support” given by North Korea to the war in Ukraine and assured him of support against “the pressures, blackmail and military threats from the United States”. According to Putin, the two countries must continue to “resolutely oppose” what he calls the West’s ambitions to “hinder the creation of a multipolar world order based on mutual respect for justice.”

Moscow and Pyongyang, Putin says, are working to develop “alternative mechanisms” of trade that “are not controlled by the West” in order to create a “more democratic and stable” system of international relations. “We are willing to collaborate intensively so that international relations are more democratic and stable. For this, we will develop alternative mechanisms of trade and mutual agreements that are not under the control of the West, and we will jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions”, Putin says in a statement published by the Kremlin and released by the Tass news agency.

“The United States strives to impose the so-called rules-based order on the world, which in essence is nothing more than a global neocolonial dictatorship based on the principle of double standards. Countries that do not agree with this approach and pursue independent policies they face increasingly strong external pressures. The US leadership considers this natural and legitimate desire for independence and autonomy as a threat to its dominance in the world,” says the Russian leader.

Kremlin: “Friendly state visit”

Putin’s visit will be a “friendly state visit”, specifies the Kremlin. Subsequently, from 19 to 20 June, Putin will travel to Vietnam for a two-day visit dedicated to the advancement of the “global strategic partnership” between Moscow and Hanoi, the Kremlin always explains, confirming what was published by the Vietnamese media.

Russia and North Korea: tradition of friendship and cooperation carried forward decade after decade” is the title of Putin’s speech which appeared in the North Korean newspaper ‘Rodong Sinmun’ and quoted by the KCNA news agency. Putin explains the prospects of relations between the two countries and their importance in today’s world, and assures that Moscow will unceasingly support North Korea “in the fight to defend its right to independence”, while thanking the country for “firmly supporting” Moscow in the war in Ukraine.

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un went to Russia on an official visit at Putin’s invitation in September 2023recalls Tass, underlining that Russia was the first state visited by the North Korean leader since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, during which North Korea’s borders were closed.

On that occasion, Kim Jong-un, visiting the Russian Far East, invited the Kremlin leader to travel to Pyongyang at an appropriate time. The only time Putin visited Pyongyang was in July 2000, two months after he took office as president.

Putin will travel to Hanoi, Vietnam, on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 June, according to Vietnamese media citing local officials. During his visit, a meeting with Vietnamese President To Lam is scheduled.

”President Putin is preparing for several trips”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov limited himself to saying in a press conference without specifying, but indicating that ”the working week will be very intense for the Russian leader”.

Kim Jong Un’s message

The topic of weapons will, in all likelihood, be the subject of talks between Putin and Kim. Russia and North Korea have developed an “indestructible relationship as comrades in arms”, wrote the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un a few days ago. Kim, who supplies Moscow with weapons used in the war against Ukraine, perhaps even ballistic missiles, was in Russia, in the country’s Far East, last year to meet the Russian president. Bilateral relations are “significant and will be consolidated forever,” Kim added in his message to Putin.

The relationship between Pyongyang and Moscow has consolidated in particular since September last year, when Kim Jong-un visited Russia. On this occasion, the foundations were laid for collaboration between the countries and in particular for the supply of weapons and ammunition to Russia, with particular attention to artillery. The North Korean intervention has allowed the Russian armed forces to have a constant flow of ammunition available in the 26-month conflict.

Use ‘worry’

The intensification of relations between North Korea and Russia witnessed by Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang worries the United States. “We believe – State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said during a press conference – that the deepening of cooperation between Russia and North Korea is something that should be of great concern to anyone interested in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, to uphold the global non-proliferation regime, to abide by United Nations Security Council resolutions and, of course, to support the Ukrainian people in their defense of freedom from Russian invasion.”

Miller then recalled reports of North Korea’s “illegal” transfer of dozens of ballistic missiles and more than 11,000 containers of ammunition to Russia as a show of support on the battlefield. “We know that they are using North Korean munitions to threaten Ukraine and kill Ukrainians. We will therefore continue to make our concerns clear. We will continue to call on Russia to comply with all UN Security Council resolutions on non-proliferation.” “We are not worried about Putin’s visit,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby clarified last night. “What worries us is the deepening of relations between these two countries.”

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