Italy 24 Press News

NATO discusses the deployment of more nuclear weapons, Stoltenberg: “We need to show our arsenal to Russia and China”

Negotiation underway among the countries of Born For deploy more nuclear weapons. The Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberghe made this known in an interview with Telegraphunderlining that in his opinion NATO must show in the world his arsenal to send a “direct message” to other states. Statements released a few hours after the meeting with the US president: Joe BidenIn fact, he will receive Stoltenberg at the White House at 9.30 pm Italian time. From July 9th to 11th, the event will be held in Washington NATO summit which will mark the 75th anniversary of the birth of the Atlantic Alliance.

Stoltenberg revealed to the British newspaper that there have been live consultations between member states on the withdrawal of missiles from deposits and on theirs put into stand-by: a response to the growing threat from Russia And China. “I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues – this is exactly what we are doing,” Stoltenberg said.

The NATO secretary general underlined that the transparency on nuclear power must be the cornerstone of the Alliance’s strategy to prepare the North Atlantic bloc for what it has described as a more dangerous world. “Transparency helps communicate the direct message that we obviously are anuclear alliance“, he has declared. “NATO’s objective is a world without atomic weapons but as long as such weapons exist we will remain a nuclear alliance, because a world in which Russia, China and North Korea they have atomic weapons and NATO does not, it is a more dangerous world,” added Stoltenberg.

In the interview he also said he expected a Labor government in United Kingdom is a staunch NATO ally and has defended new plans to deliver weapons-proof to Ukraine Donald Trump. In addition, Stoltenberg issued a stark warning about the threat from China, which would be investing massively in modern armamentsincluding its atomic arsenal: Beijing would like to own a thousand nuclear warheads by 2030. “And this means that in the not too distant future NATO may have to face something he has never faced before, namely two potential adversaries equipped with nuclear energy: China and Russia. Naturally this has consequences“Stoltenberg said, adding that the United States and its European allies are currently modernizing their atomic arsenals.

Meanwhile, the Italian Defense Minister, Guido Crosettohe reiterated – in an interview with The truth – his no to new NATO aid forUkraine. “I just told the truth: it’s a commitment that Italy is unable to respect, Today. It is already difficult for us to bring defense spending to 2% of GDP. All governments before ours, and even of very different political colors from ours, have committed to achieving that goal. I prefer it instead honestly admit that there are difficultiesbecause European parameters make it impossible to increase spending without cutting equally important sectors, such as healthcare or the school”, said Guido Crosetto, Minister of Defense, commenting on the NATO secretary’s plan for military aid for Kiev from 40 billion a year.

“The Italian share of the contribution would amount to three and a half billion a year and I immediately put my hands forward: It can not be done. I prefer to say it in advance. I cannot make commitments that I am not able to keep,” underlined Crosetto. “I ask those who sit at the NATO table to ring the intercom European Commission For change the rules, and then maybe we’ll talk about it again. I am fresh from the Atlantic Council of Defense Ministers: there were countries that talked about employing 4, 6 or even 9% of GDP. We all agree that defense is the prerequisite for security and that without security there is neither democracy nor economy. The topic is how to find resources without it dismantle welfare. My proposal is always the same: to separate defense costs, in these extraordinary years, from the calculations of the stability pact. Unfortunately, whether this thing actually gets done is not up to me,” concluded the minister.

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