Italy 24 Press News

Joe Biden, “physical and mental fatigue”: officials’ testimonies

The president of the United States shows signs of growing physical and mental fatigue. This was stated by the “Wall Street Journal” newspaper, reporting the testimonies of 45 officials and experts who are in contact or have dealt with the occupant of the White House behind closed doors, and who were interviewed by the newspaper “over the course of different months”. Many describe a president as fluctuating in terms of his presence and energy. The newspaper describes a series of circumstances in which Biden appeared to give in to confusion, ignore publicly available details or information, or “formulate incomprehensible statements based on written notes.” The sources cited by the newspaper mention, for example, the closed-door negotiations for the refinancing of military aid to Ukraine which took place last February: according to five officials who attended the meeting, the president «at times spoke so softly that some struggled to hear him ». Biden “relied on written notes for obvious statements, paused frequently, and closed his eyes for such long periods that many in the room wondered if he had switched off.”

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During a face-to-face meeting at the White House with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson last March, Biden reportedly referred to his recent executive order that put important energy projects at risk, calling it a “study” with no concrete effects. Last year, during negotiations with Republicans on the debt ceiling, the president’s abilities and bearing exhibited daily fluctuations. These and other cases, described on the basis of multiple reports collected by the newspaper, seem to give credence to the doubts that have been mounting since last year regarding the physical and mental health of President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person to have ever endured presidency of the United States. The White House has repeatedly said that despite his age, the president maintains his clarity and physical health. Behind closed doors, however – states the Wall Street Journal – “some people who have worked with him, including Democrats who have known him since he was vice president, describe him as a slower president, who alternates between good and bad moments”. The newspaper claims to have interviewed, among others, several Democratic parliamentarians, who however partially retracted their statements regarding the president after being contacted in this regard by the White House.

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