Pedro Sanchez at risk of being sacked

Pedro Sanchez at risk of being sacked
Pedro Sanchez at risk of being sacked

When you are willing to do anything, really anything, to occupy the seats and defeat the opponent, you run big risks. Especially if to satisfy the thirst for power you have to rely on maxi-gaggles with parties and people light years away, close only for the great interest in commanding. A necessary premise to turn your gaze towards the Spainwhere yesterday the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez received a bad beating… from the Supreme Court of Madrid. The reason? The sentence against Carles Puigdemont.

Spain’s highest judicial body has not spared the former president of the Catalan Generalitat, on the run after the failed independence referendum attempt in 2017. Despite the amnesty law voted by the Madrid Parliament and promoted by the government of Pedro Sanchez, to which Puigdemont’s party, Junts x Catalunya, gives external support, this does not apply to the accusations of misappropriation of public funds linked to the independence process.

According to the judges of the Supreme Court of Madrid, Puigdemont and former councillors Antonio Comin and Lluis Puig obtained “a personal economic advantage” from the organisation of the referendum, paying for it with funds from the Generalitat and, in doing so, Inside Over reports, “they supported their expenses to the Autonomous Administration, without the initiative responding to the satisfaction of any public interest”. The amnesty therefore does not apply tomisappropriation of public resourceswith all due respect to the little deal torn up to get the prime minister’s seat. And beware of the possible repercussions.

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In addition to the amnesty law, Puigdemont was working for the recognition of his return to his homeland and for the granting of the Catalan presidency. But with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Madrid he risks the basis for his party’s continued membership in the coalition is undermined. Terrible news, considering the limited numbers of the majority. The Socialists have called for calm and caution while waiting for Puigdemont’s next moves, stressing that the amnesty issue will not affect the formation of the government in Catalonia. And on the central government? It cannot be ruled out, indeed, considering the great distances on the main political and economic dossiers. The irony of the leader of the Spanish Popular Party Alberto Núñez Feijóo is quite understandable: “Up to now the Sanchez government has only had the majority to approve a law and has not even been able to make it”. It is impossible to disagree with him.

Franco Lodige, July 2, 2024 is also on Whatsapp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).

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