VL Pesaro escapes in the second quarter: first victory in Nardò


A2 - VL Pesaro escapes in the second quarter: first victory in Nardò

Carpegna Prosciutto Basket Pesaro opens the Serie A season with a good victory at home to Hdl Nardò Basket. After a timid start (16-12 the first set), coach Pino Sacripanti’s team gets underway in the second period, which closed at 11-33 and +18. In the second half VL continued to be relentless in their shooting and although Nardò also found points, he scored 30 and went into the last ten minutes at +20. The Granatas attempt a last desperate attempt at a comeback and with Mouaha and Stewart jr they manage to close the gap to -10. But it’s too late now: 78-86 for Pesaro who manages the advantage in the final. The title of MVP of the match goes to VJ King with 20 points, 14 for the other foreigner Khalil Ahmed with also 5 assists. Close to double double Zanotti (12+9).

HDL Nardò Basket – Carpegna Prosciutto Basket Pesaro 78-86 (16-12, 11-33, 28-30, 23-11)
HDL Nardò Basketball
: Avery Woodson 27 (2/2, 7/11), Michele Ebeling 14 (1/2, 3/9), Antonio Iannuzzi 13 (5/11, 0/0), Wayne Stewart jr 8 (4/10, 0 /1), Aristide Mouaha 7 (3/8, 0/2), Lazar Nikolic 3 (0/0, 1/2), Lorenzo Donadio 2 (1/1, 0/2), Ruben Zugno 2 (1/2 , 0/0), Elhadji Thioune 2 (1/1, 0/0), Lorenzo Scarano 0 (0/0, }); 0/0), Jacopo Rapetti 0 (0/0, 0/0), Nicolo Flores 0 (0 /0, 0/0)

Carpegna Ham Basket Pesaro: Vj King 20 (5/7, 2/6), Khalil Ahmad 14 (3/6, 2/6), Lorenzo Bucarelli 14 (1/3, 4/9), Simone Zanotti 12 (2/7, 2/ 4), Octavio Maretto 11 (1/1, 3/3), Quirino De laurentiis 9 (4/4, 0/1), Matteo Imbro’ 3 (0/2, 1/2), Eric Lombardi 3 (0/ 0, 1/4), David Cornis 0 (0/0, 0/0), Salvatore Parrillo 0 (0/0, 0/0)

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