Italy 24 Press News

“There must be no shady deals”

Not only Ilaria Salis and the presidential elections in the United States. In Italian television studios the issue of the appointments of European Union leaders. The mandate of the community voters was clear: the EPP confirmed itself as the first political grouping, closely followed by the Socialists. But the surprise of the last elections was the success of the Conservatives, of which Georgia Meloni he is the president. An excellent result that makes them the third political force in Parliament EU, having effectively overtaken the Liberals. The Italian Prime Minister would like the outcome of the polls to be taken into serious consideration for European negotiations, but he is encountering several obstacles on his way.

This was also discussed a The blowing airthe La7 political talk show hosted by David Parenzo. In the episode of Friday 28 June among the guests there was also Alessandra Ghisleri. The director of Euromedia Research set out what, according to the pollster, would be the prime minister’s wishes. “I think that Giorgia Meloni, beyond the friendly relations with von der Leyen on which she abstained, would like a different indication with respect to what the mandate is. The reason would be that the third most important party is precisely the one for which she presented herself as group leader – Ghisleri recalled. So on that basis she would like a shift further to the right“.

According to the director of Euromedia Research, Giorgia Meloni wants to send a precise message to the Italians: “What is appearing is that they are moving towards the Greens and therefore towards the left – Ghisleri explained -. I think she is playing her role to make it clear that she will possibly cover a very strong opposition role. She – she then added – wants to make Italians understand that no mess should be created“.

The wind that blows: the intervention of Alessandra Ghisleri

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