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Un posto al sole, previews until July 5: surprising episodes

Don’t miss the latest previews until July 5th on Un posto al sole, here’s what will happen in the next episodes. All the information and curiosities.

The latest episodes of A Place in the Sun they captured the audience thanks to the numerous twists and new developments in the protagonists’ stories. From Clara’s marriage to Eduardo to the kidnapping of her son Federico by her father Alberto, we have also witnessed new events in the case of Ida and her son Tommaso / Josef, disputed between the woman and Roberto Ferri.

Un posto al sole, previews until July 5 (Photo @unpostoalsoleRai3/Facebook) –

The week has yet to end but there is already great anticipation for the episodes that will be broadcast next next, from 1st to 5th Julywhen further developments will give a decisive turn to the protagonists’ stories, creating new interesting situations. Below we reveal all the latest updates on the Episode previews which will be broadcast, as always, on Rai3 around 8.45/8.50 pm, from Monday 1st to Friday 5th July. Here’s everything you need to know.

A place in the sun, previews until July 5th

The rumors about the episodes of A Place in the Sun from 1st to 5th July reveal that next week will begin with a unexpected and harsh confrontation between Michele and Rossella. We don’t know the causes of the conflict between father and daughter, perhaps Rossella’s eternal indecision about her feelings? In the meantime, Ornella and Luca De Santis will try to clarify things but the doctor’s illness will unfortunately create new difficulties and embarrassing situations.

The main story of the soap, however, remains the same dispute over custody of little Tommaso, with the clash between the natural mother Ida and Roberto Ferri who has no intention of giving up the child. What will the Juvenile Court decide? Will Ida be able to have sole custody of her son and form a family with Diego? Maybe Roberto and Marina will have to give up Tommaso forever or will they be able to continue seeing him anyway? This difficult situation will increase tensions between Roberto and Marina, but in the end there will be a rapprochement between Ferri and his partner.

How will the story of Ida and her child end? (Photo @unpostoalsoleRai3/Facebook) –

In the meantime, Jimmy will meet Mina, Valeria’s niece, his father’s new partner. For the little boy it will be a real love at first sight. While Ida will confide in Raffaele on her relationship with Diego, undecided on how to behave and what decision to make about her future.

Rosa has finally returned to her home but she has to deal with the hostility of the other residents of the neighborhood who did not appreciate her fight to keep the house. The situation also gets more complicated situation between Guido and Mariellathe woman discovered the husband’s crush on Claudia and their marriage is in serious danger. Will Guido be able to save him?

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