rain of criticism on the husband

rain of criticism on the husband
rain of criticism on the husband

The month of June was full of important events in the celebrity world, among which the wedding of Angelica Krystle Donati, daughter of Milly Carlucci, to Prince Fabio Borghese stands out. The ceremony was held on June 29th in Monsummano Terme, Tuscany, in the presence of about 200 guests. Despite the happiness of the moment, the couple has faced some criticism regarding the age difference. Angelica Donati recently responded in an interview.

Angelica Donati’s Grand Wedding

The wedding between Angelica Krystle Donati and Prince Fabio Borghese was celebrated in the splendid Borghese family estateone of the oldest and most respected noble families in Italy. Angelica told Vanity Fair that, despite the importance of the event, She felt neither anxiety nor fear, but was extremely convinced and happy with her choice. “It’s true that there’s a significant age difference between us, but it’s also true that Fabio and I arrived at the decision to get married with great serenity. That people take the trouble to write mean things under someone else’s photos on their wedding day is, honestly, something I’ve never understood“. Then he adds: “I continue on my way, and I think that the one who writes has a problem. Not to mention that 90% of these things those same people don’t have the courage to tell you to your face“.

Criticisms about the age difference

Despite the festive atmosphere and the joy shared with family and friends, Angelica Donati has faced a series of criticisms on social media. Some offensive comments, such as “The groom looks like the father” o “She married for convenience“, have invaded the posts published on her Instagram page. However, Angelica he responded firmly It’s true that there’s a significant age difference between us, but it’s also true that Fabio and I arrived at the decision to get married with great serenity. That people take the trouble to write mean things under someone else’s photos on their wedding day is, honestly, something I’ve never understood“. Then he adds: “I continue on my way, and I think that the one who has a problem is the one who writes. Not to mention that 90% of these things those same people don’t have the courage to tell you to your face“.

Between emotion and traditions

The wedding day was full of emotions and special moments for Angelica Donati and Fabio Borghese. Among the curious behind the scenes, Angelica said: “Before we got married, Fabio did everything he could to see me in my wedding dress, but my mother defended me tooth and nail.” During the ceremony, Angelica was accompanied to the altar by her father, Angelo Donati. “I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my entire life. I discovered that I’m much more emotional than I thought, and it was beautiful.“, he has declared.

The couple plans to enjoy a honeymoon in Septemberwith the hope of creating something great together: “I hope to be happy and to build something with Fabio that we would never have been able to do alone”, concluded Angelica.

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