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Forehand and Backhand, Del Debbio’s fury. Salvini attacks: “A demented person”

In the penultimate episode of Forehand and backhandconducted by Paolo Del Debbio Thursday 27 June 2024 on Rete 4various hot topics are discussed with many guests in the studio and via video connection, starting from Matthew Salvini, which comments on the death of Satnam Singh, the position of Ilaria Salis and much more. Then other issues are also addressed, such as the problem of finding work, the situation of Giovanni Toti and repudiation in Italy. Let’s find out together what happened in the episode of June 27th Obverse and Reverse.

Forehand and Reverse, episode of June 27, 2024: what happened

Dying in the fields for 3 euros an hour. This is the title of the first report Obverse and Reverse dedicated to the Indian laborer Satnam Singh, who died at work and was abandoned along the road with his amputated arm resting on the fruit box next to his body. “I had warned the worker not to approach the vehicle, but he did his own thing. A lightness that we are all paying for“, these are the words of the manager, Renzo Lovato. “We don’t have documents and we have to work even 12 hours a day“, “He earned 3 euros and worked 12 hours a day“, “It’s bullshit working like this“: these, however, are the declarations of those who are mourning his death.

Once the service was over, there was applause in the studio and Del Debbio declared: “The applause goes to the family of this poor man murdered physically and morally by a man who shouldn’t even speak. 4 years of investigations for gangmastering is not possible, a Mediaset program takes two weeks“. Matthew Salvini he is the first guest, and on the above mentioned question he says: “You were right to open with this service, because that is not an entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, whether Italian or foreign, are not torturers or exploiters. What struck me was his disgust for human life.: he did not rush to the hospital, taking responsibility for his own mistakes, but he abandoned a human with a body part along the way. I hope that in a few months, when the spotlights go out, this event won’t end in court for Tarallucci and wine with a few months of sentence, and then maybe next year we’ll find him doing the same thing. A man who lets a person die like this he can’t go back to being an entrepreneur for the rest of his life and has to pay for years the life he took. I hope there is no forgetfulness from this point of view. We must open the Italian doors to workers and the employer must guarantee (and sign) for them a contract and decent housing. We cannot have for Italy thousands of desperate people ready to do anything because they are under blackmail, here illegally. Immigration must be legal and controlled“.

The host then takes the floor and becomes angry: “4 years of investigations, but it takes a minute to understand if there is a gangmaster“, comments Del Debbio, with Salvini responding: “You are absolutely right, but it doesn’t just apply to those exploited in the camps. I also think of the thousands of illegal squatters exploited along the beaches. The problem is the mafia organizations that exploit them and therefore I hope there is justice that no longer takes 4 years, but four weeks. But I also think of the red code to protect women, that within 3 days of the complaint the PM must summon the woman, but unfortunately this is not always the case. I think of those women who report attacks, harassment and threats, and I hope that those who administer justice do so conscientiously and without summer breaks“. Sui election resultsSalvini says: “Let me thank the 2,100,000 million Italians who have placed their trust in the League. If so many people didn’t vote it’s also my fault, ours, the fault of politics that doesn’t go fast enough. We must be increasingly effective, because if half of the people consider it useless to choose a party, no one has the right to fully celebrate. I feel defeated and my duty is to speak to those millions of Italians who don’t care to give them concrete elements and help them choose. Because if people don’t vote it’s a defeat for all politics“.

We move on to talk about the 5 Star MP who attacked Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, evoking Piazzale Loreto, for the differentiated autonomy bill: “This grillina didn’t do it outside the jar, she did it right outside the bathroom. I have never heard something like this in the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate. Tell me, I don’t know what to say“, declares Del Debbio. But even Salvini does not send her to say: “If politics is this stuff, why am I going to vote? And then this made me feel crazy, because someone who evokes Piazzale Loreto hoping that someone will be hung upside down is not involved in politics, he needs a doctor, good. This is malice, violence, ignorance and arrogance. I may not agree with someone, but wishing evil, death to others is counter-educational from every point of view. Having said that, I hope that the lady at least receives better advice from her family. I too have received threats on my skin, but then the lady should not complain if someone sees baby gangs, or if someone starts drinking and taking drugs at 13, because if you turn on the television and see someone who should represent the best and you hear a phenomenon like this, or if you go to Brussels and see someone who occupies other people’s houses and becomes a role model for someone, then something is not working.“.

Ilaria Salis pro occupation of houses

With regard to Ilaria Salis and the occupation of housesthe Minister of Infrastructure states: “I don’t wish harm on anyone. I didn’t like his arrogant debut: he didn’t apologize for having occupied houses and not having paid thousands of euros in rent, when there are people who don’t go shopping to pay the rent. Don’t go and propagandize the occupation as an act of rebellion, because the home is sacred. There’s no need to brag about it, there’s a need to apologize and pay off the back rent“. Del Debbio replies: “With one month’s salary he pays us all the arrears“, and applause breaks out in the studio complete with chants: “Bravo!“. Staying on the topic, we talk about Salis which promotes home occupationwith De Debbio saying: “I don’t go to occupy houses to make claims“. The person directly concerned, in fact, claims that occupying an apartment is right, and a person interviewed replies: “So me who pays rent am a moron“. The MEP is said to have occupied two apartments, and her father, Roberto Salis, supports her and comments: “Do not disturb. This is private property“. In short, in the end it is not clear whether Salis will pay the arrears.

Maurizio Gasparri, connected from Rome, Giuseppe Cruciani and Maurizio Belpietro are guests in the studio together with Onorio Rosati. The first to speak is Belpietro, who states: “If you are a member of the European Parliament, even if you are adequately paid, you cannot promote a crime. The lady does not know what private property is, They are Robin Hoods in reverse, who steal from the poor. Those houses are almost always council houses.“. Onorio Rosati (Alliance Verses Left) doesn’t agree: “You stated that this occupation represents a form of struggle. Too often we find ourselves judging, but we never ask ourselves the why, the objective of these struggles. I have never occupied a house, but I helped friends who had occupied a factory because the owner had run away with the cash“. A dispute begins between Belpietro and Rosati and Del Debbio blocks everything: “Stop everyone, a moment!” The host’s words are of little use, because Cruciani lashes out at Rosati: “She is claiming that occupying Aler public houses without any title is legitimate“, and the latter replies: “I don’t have to justify myself“, but Del Debbio doesn’t agree: “So let’s take care of everyone… crazy stuff!” Then he intervenes Maurizio Gasparri: “Salis is a negative example. What would you, Rosati, do if you came home today and found the house occupied? Less Salis is needed at home and more Salis in the pumpkin. I am not a friend of the occupiers, those who occupy are criminals“.

Forehand and backhand: the other topics covered

Then we move on to talking about Basic income and the fact that there are fewer and fewer workers, and people come into the studio to tell their stories and the reasons why they can’t find a safe job, and among these there are those who blame politics. But, according to what emerged live, “the real problem of this country is irregular work, undeclared work. We don’t have a minimum wage. We attack workers and the unemployed and they only want a contract“, while someone else claims that there is work in Italy and that you cannot expect to find life as your first job, paid 5 thousand euros a month, and that you should be willing to look for it even outside your own city. The host then he gets angry when one of these workers, in the studio, offends the report provided by his correspondents, saying that it is not truthful, and Del Debbio asks him, certainly not in a calm way, to have respect for the work of others: “E what the fuck!“, he thunders at the end.

Then the attention shifts to the “private meetings” of Giovanni Toti (of which there are no wiretaps), now under house arrest. The question is: “Is it right that Toti remains under house arrest?“. Pietro Senaldi (co-director of Libero) says that Toti is suffering a serious disciplinary injustice: “It’s a scandal, he’s been under investigation for 4 years. There’s no concrete evidence“. Another topic is that of the Islamic repudiation arrived in Italy, more precisely in the court of Ancona, where it was registered as a divorce: “Municipality of Ancona wake up, you have done something against the constitution. We’re all going crazy in this country. Where we arrived? We’re at a loss. With all the stuff we have, do we have to take care of this stuff here? But they need to be kicked in the ass. Imagine in Italy if one could get divorced with ‘Talak, Talak, Talak’… a mess happens here. We should repudiate those who signed, other than these women. Tonight I have difficulty making a judgment, why should I to utter a series of cursesbut I don’t do it out of respect for the audience at home, in the studio and for my company. What the f**k country is this? Can you see a woman cry like that in Italy? It’s not possible! I would love to have Sabrina’s husband here [è la donna che vede in lacrime nello studio a causa della sua situazione familiare, ndr], but without an audience“, Del Debbio blurts out.

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