Italy 24 Press News

“Why do you have to laugh?”, squabble on live TV: Italy’s fault

Pitched back-and-forth between Toni Damascelli and Stefano Antinelli during Notti Europee, the Rai program that follows the evening match

A question and answer during European Nights, the program that airs on Rai 1 after the evening match, broadcast live on Rai. Stephen Antinelli and Toni Damascelli they were the protagonists of a lively exchange during the broadcast.

Spalletti (LaPresse) –

It all stems from the disappointing performance ofItaly against the Spain and the moves that Spalletti did (or didn’t do) to try to remedy the situation. In his reasoning, Damascelli addresses the journalist himself: “I just wanted to say one thing to Antinelli. Nobody mentioned a deadbolt. Talking with Ancelotti of the final of Champions won: in the first half Real Madrid were like Italy last night. He understood that the opponent was stronger and he told me that at the end of the first half he thought: “Playing so badly, we are scoreless, what can I do. I’m calm and I expect a play. This is what Ancelotti says, not Damascelli.”

European Championships, back and forth Antinelli-Damascelli: “I laugh when I want”

At this point Antinelli he interrupts the conversation: “Real Madrid has a technical quality that Italy doesn’t have, you can’t compare it to Italy”. A sentence that provokes the response of Damascelli himself, annoyed by his colleague’s attitude: “I don’t understand why you have to smile at my observations”.

Damascelli and Antinelli (Screen Rai) –

At that point Antinelli clarifies: “But I didn’t smile, I said that I think differently, it will be within my possibilities, right?” Question to which Damascelli responds by throwing a dig: “Of course, of course. Without a smile though.” The question and answer is closed by the Rai journalist: “I smile when I feel like it”.

Notte Europee has already hit the headlines on several occasions. From Mazzocchi who ignores Bonucci’s retirement and is corrected by the former defender himself in connection with the question asked to Platini who responds with an eloquent: “This question is bullshit”.

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