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Rai, the farewells and the new entries of the new season: who is leaving and who is staying

For the new season, there will be several farewells and new entries at Rai. Here’s who’s leaving and who’s staying, barring sensational surprises.

One of the most successful seasons of recent years for Rai has recently ended. Which was able to build the right mix of programs capable of attracting both adult and younger audiences. Now the wait is all about discovering what the schedule will be for the next season, which will officially begin in September.

The news of the next season at Rai: the updated schedule (ANSA photo) –

To have certain news, we will have to wait another month or so, but it is clear that – as has already happened in the past – there are various rumors and rumors that are being confirmed. It seems that in the parts of Viale Mazzini several evaluations are underway, which could lead to both appreciated confirmations and farewells and new entries. Some of these are already confirmed, such as the abandonment of Amadeus and the arrival of Stefano De Martino at the helm of Affari Tuoi.

New Rai schedule: all the news for the next season

Speaking to La Stampa, the director of Ce. RTA Massimo Scaglioni wanted to make a quick examination of what will be the next year of Italian television. “The autumn that awaits us will be characterized by reshuffling the cards. Also due to the advance of the third poles represented by La7, Discovery, TV8 and the platforms” his words, and continues: “Rai will have several challenges ahead of it, from the renewal of prime time access to the Sanremo Festival entrusted to Carlo Conti. But in my opinion, the biggest challenge will be to restore identity to Rai 2 and Rai 3“.

Caterina Balivo is among the flights confirmed for next season (photo ANSA) –

There are different names that they risk having to “abandon their seats”. Starting with Serena Bortone with his program CheSarà, unable to achieve the success hoped for in recent months. The closing words of the program already smacked of farewell. Maria Latella could arrive in her place, according to Davide Maggio. Same goes for Giorgio Zanchini of Rebus and for Duilio Gianmaria of Gocce di petrol. Among the surprise names, too Marco Liorni is in the balance. Not so much for L’Eredità but for Italia Sì. Finally doubts about Pino Insegno, given the initial flop with Mercante in Fiera and the low numbers of Reazione a Catena.

But there are also important confirmations. In addition to Liorni with L’Eredità, in fact, Antonella Clerici will be able to return to the management of It’s always midday. As well as Caterina Balivo with La volta Buona. There are no doubts about it Sciarelli and Who saw it? and for Ranucci with Reports. Finally, room for news Carlo Conti at the helm of the Sanremo Festival 2025 and Stefano De Martino who will take Amadeus’s place at Affari Tuoi.

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