Italy 24 Press News

what’s behind the replacement

Starting Monday 17 June, Afternoon 5 with Myrta Merlin it was replaced by the transmission Afternoon Five Newsconducted by Simona Brachetti. What’s behind this change?

What is Pomeriggio Cinque News with Simona Brachetti

It started on Monday 17 June Afternoon 5 News, The talk by Videonews which talks about current affairs, news and customs every day, together with guests in the studio and sent into the field.

This is not something new at Mediaset, but rather a return: the first edition aired from December 2021 to January 2022 and now returns in the summer, again hosted by Simona Brachetti.

Photo source: ANSA

From Monday 17 June and until September, in place of Pomeriggio 5 hosted by Myrta Merlino on Canale 5 there will be Pomeriggio 5 News, with Simona Brachetti hosting.

Who is Simona Brachetti

Forty-seven years old, from Romagna, Simona Brachetti is a journalist, with a degree in Law.

After having worked in the editorial offices of some local newspapers and having participated in programs for the Happy Channel, Odeon TV, Stream TV and Telemontecarlo broadcasters, in 2003 she landed in Sky Tg24 to host the afternoon news and the meteorological column ‘Bel tempo sispera’ (of which she was also the author).

In 2007 she moved to Mediaset’s flagship network with the Tg5, of which she has become one of the most recognized and appreciated “half-figures” (in 2022 and 2023, she won the Italian TV Award and the Golden Antenna for TV, the award dedicated to small screen characters). After Tg5 she landed on Morning News and to Pomeriggio 5 News, which will now occupy the afternoon slot of Canale 5 until September for the summer break of Pomeriggio 5 with Myrta Merlino.

In 2020, Simona Brachetti also published a book, entitled ‘Women!!! Smart working has arrived. Opportunity or trap?‘.

Myrta Merlino’s message to viewers

In the last episode of her Pomeriggio 5, Myrta Merlino told viewers: “I have to tell you something important because from Monday 17 June Pomeriggio 5 News starts and at the helm, to my great joy, to my true joy, there is a woman , Simona Branchetti, to whom I wish her the best of luck and say ‘come on’”.

Photo source: ANSA

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