Italy 24 Press News

«I am full of this hypocritical world made up of false pleasantries»

Giulia Salemiinfluencer and television and radio presenter, is in the prime of her career thanks to her friendliness and overwhelming enthusiasm.

Her energy (and beauty) allows her to aim higher and higher in the workplace, especially thanks to her success on social media. A world that however represents a limit to creating new friendships or bonds of trust. This was declared by the influencer herself who, in response to a question from an Instagram user, revealed her thoughts on this situation.

The words of Giulia Salemi

A user very directly explained to Giulia Salemi that he had noticed that there often seems to be envy in the world of entertainment. «Giulia, under your posts I noticed that almost none of the other influencers or people in the entertainment industry ever comment, at most a few likes – asked a user -. How much envy is there in that world? Then you who are always nice and kind.” The influencer did not hide his relationship difficulties, especially in the world of entertainment. «This message received made me smile but also reflect – replied Giulia Salemi on Instagram -. Unfortunately it is true and it is very disheartening that there is so little solidarity between women. This is why I say that I am full of this hypocritical world made up of false pleasantries. What do you think about it? Do you also experience the same things in your job or sector?”.

«The only famous friend»

Giulia Salemi had already explained it during her podcast Non Lo Faccio X Moda. «There is a bit of healthy rivalry between colleagues, but I spend a lot of time on friendships and then I don’t get back what I had given, I idealize friendships but then I realize that it was a matter of circumstance or worse – he underlined – . I don’t understand what the gap is. I don’t understand if the problem is because there is too much competition and maybe I’m wrong in looking for friends in the sector. I don’t have any friends who do this job and I’m sorry because I like and respect many of them. The only famous friend I have is Martina Hamdy.”

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