Italy 24 Press News

«Serena Bortone? She should have been fired over the Scurati case.” Rai CEO Sergio’s thrust: «Censorship? I wrote her what to do”

No change of program on the horizon for the renewal of Rai top management. After the European elections, CEO Roberto Sergio confirms that there will be a relay between him and the current general director, Giampaolo Rossi. Interviewed by Francesco Merlo at the Innovation Festival in Venice organized by Foglio, Sergio confirmed: «A year ago I was asked to complete the three-year mandate with the exit of Fuores. I accepted and appointed Giampaolo Rossi as general manager, whom I respected and continue to respect. Now he will be the next CEO and I will be the next CEO. There is no problem”.

«Serena Bortone should have been fired»

To the accusations of now managing a «TeleMeloni» giving great space to the government to the detriment of the oppositions, Sergio responds by quoting a report from the Pavia Observatory: «More than anything they should call us Teleopposizione. Never before in my management has there been space for opposition, while the time for the Prime Minister has been reduced.” In the conversation we also move on to the Scurati case, in which Rai was accused of having censored the writer’s monologue for April 25th. He made accusations that had also fueled the presenter Serena Bortone. Sergio says bluntly: «Bortone should have been fired for what she did, and instead she wasn’t punished. In no company would it be allowed to make a post against the company you work for. Now on June 11th he will have the opportunity to clarify and we will make a decision.”

The accusations about censorship against Scurati

Therefore, no censorship according to Sergio, who reiterates: «There has been a great reversal of reality regarding the matter». The RAI CEO had sent a message to the presenter “to ask her to broadcast Scurati’s speech, which did not come because he was not paid”. However, the rumors say that from next season Bortone will be on air with the episodes of his program halved: «But at the moment none of us know the schedules, which will be presented next Friday».

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